



What is the best way to connect an ACL with the protected resource?

1) Should the protected resource hold a reference to its ACL?

interface AclHolder {
    Acl getAcl();

This would be simple, but if the object lives in a database it has to be constructed before it is possible to check access rights.

2) Spring Security uses a mechanism with the fully qualified class name and the object id to attach and retrieve the ACL externally. This could lead to an n+1 select problem, because multiple ACLs cannot be selected by a certain criterion. This system could break if class names change while refactoring.

3) Another way could be to store a reference to the protected resource within the ACL. With lazy loading it would be possible to check the ACL without loading the protected resource from the database.

class Acl<T> {
    @Lazy public T protectedResource;
    // acl methods ...

4) Each object could have a security descriptor (like in windows):

class SecurityDescriptor<T> {
  public Acl acl;
  @Lazy public T protectedResource;
  // ...

What is better?

Provisional Solution: I will implement the AclHolder interface since domain objects can implement it and it is also possible to attach ACLs without affecting the domain objects.