+1  A: 

That sounds like your building process is using versionned directory within your subversion workspace.

Should you not have your 'output' folder and/or your 'tst' folder be made 'private' ? (that is without any .svn, and ignored by subversion)

+9  A: 

Have you tried to add


to the Exclusion patterns at the Source preferences of the project's build path settings?

+1  A: 

Sure, that easy: at Project Properties -- Java Build Path you can add exclusion filters on every source folder. There, you can add an exclusion pattern as *.svn

+7  A: 

You could also try installing the Subversion plugin (Subclipse) for Eclipse.

Phill Sacre
Subclipse manages these components for you in eclipse so they don't interfere with your build process.
Spencer K
I use Subversive, and generally this works too. Once I had this problems still and had to kill off my classes folder, disconnect the project from SVN, rebuild the project and then reconnect it to SVN. This flushed whatever caused the problem in this instance.
+1  A: 

I have been looking for an answer to this very problem for a while now. Why oh why does everyone assume that this has to be done using svn ignore? What if you aren't using source control? I know it is a bad practice and I am using source control in my project. Isn't there a simple way to say "hey eclipse don't worry about the 13 MB dojo folder I just copied into my WebContent directory". Pulling svn into the picture seems to confuse the matter. To me this is an issue between the editor and the files in the project dir. It is very annoying to have eclipse try and validate all that code that isn't part of the project.

you should ask this question as a question.
Jay R.