



If I want to make sure that a view is listed as having public access, is there a decorator equivalent to @public_access which would be the opposite of @login_required and make it clear that the view should be publicly accessible always?

One use case I have in mind is to automatically add "@csrf_exempt" to all public views in addition to making it clear in the code that the view should be publicly accessible.


"Login not required" is the default. If you want to annotate that a view should never be login-restricted then you should do so in the docstring.

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
+1  A: 

Unfortunately, there's currently no built-in support for this in Django, leaving you at risk of exposing sensitive info when @login_required is accidentally forgotten.

Here's a solution from one of my projects:


def public(function):
    """Decorator for public views that do not require authentication
    orig_func = function
    while isinstance(orig_func, partial):  # if partial - use original function for authorization
        orig_func = orig_func.func
    orig_func.is_public_view = True

    return function

def is_public(function):
    try:                                    # cache is found
        return function.is_public_view
    except AttributeError:                  # cache is not found
        result = function.__module__.startswith('django.') and not function.__module__.startswith('django.views.generic') # Avoid modifying admin and other built-in views

        try:                                # try to recreate cache
            function.is_public_view = result
        except AttributeError:

        return result

class NonpublicMiddleware(object):

    def process_view_check_logged(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs):

    def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs):
        while isinstance(view_func, partial):  # if partial - use original function for authorization
            view_func = view_func.func

        request.public = is_public(view_func)
        if not is_public(view_func):
            if request.user.is_authenticated():     # only extended checks are needed
                return self.process_view_check_logged(request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs)

            return self.redirect_to_login(request.get_full_path())  # => login page

    def redirect_to_login(self, original_target, login_url=settings.LOGIN_URL):
        return HttpResponseRedirect("%s?%s=%s" % (login_url, REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME, urlquote(original_target)))


and, finally, view code:

from <projname>.middleware import publi

def some_view(request):

# Login required is added automatically
def some_private_view(request):

Also, you may want to look at "Automatically decorating all views of a django project" blog post

Alex Lebedev