



Is there any plugin that let us record the editing session in ECLIPSE? Say for example I want to learn from the best programmer how he codes in Eclipse etc, and we can replay how he does stuffs.


There are quite a few tools which will record video from a computer monitor, but, seriously? You're not going to learn anything about programming from watching someone type.


There is nothing native to Eclipse allowing to record, and then replay, a full Eclipse editing session.

Even Macro recording (Bug 8519 - keystroke macros recording and playing capability) is one of the most upvoted (131 votes)... and still not planed 8 years later (2002-2010 at the time of this writing)

The alternatives are few and not mature. Even the official Eclipse Monkey proposal has been withdrawn.

Right now, the best way to record a tutorial and transfer some knowledge on a topic is:
Eclipse Cheat Sheet (since Eclipse3.2).
You can register a session that way:

alt text

And download some recorded session like this one about API tooling setup.


It's not recording, but the eclipse communication framework allows you to link two editors together for pair programming. This is likely a better solution (pair programming) to what you seek than simply watching someone else's nervous keyboard ticks without the ongoing dialogue anyway.
