



I'd like my website to have URLs looking like this:

I have my Post model with slug field ('my-first-post') and published_on field (from which we will deduct the year and month parts in the url).

I want my Post model to be RESTful, so things like url_for(@post) work like they should, ie: it should generate the aforementioned url.

Is there a way to do this? I know you need to override to_param and have map.resources :posts with :requirements option set, but I cannot get it all to work.

I have it almost done, I'm 90% there. Using resource_hacks plugin I can achieve this:

map.resources :posts, :member_path => '/:year/:month/:slug',
  :member_path_requirements => {:year => /[\d]{4}/, :month => /[\d]{2}/, :slug => /[a-z0-9\-]+/}

rake routes
post GET    /:year/:month/:slug(.:format)      {:controller=>"posts", :action=>"show"}

and in the view:

<%= link_to 'post', post_path(:slug => @post.slug, :year => '2010', :month => '02') %>

generates proper link.

I would like this to work too:

<%= link_to 'post', post_path(@post) %>

But it needs overriding the to_param method in the model. Should be fairly easy, except for the fact, that to_param must return String, not Hash as I'd like it.

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  def to_param
   {:slug => 'my-first-post', :year => '2010', :month => '02'}

Results in can't convert Hash into String error.

This seems to be ignored:

def to_param

as it results in error: post_url failed to generate from {:action=>"show", :year=>#<Post id: 1, title: (...) (it wrongly assigns @post object to the :year key). I'm kind of clueless at how to hack it.


Ryan Bates talked about it in his screen cast "how to add custom routes, make some parameters optional, and add requirements for other parameters."

Zakwan Alhajjar
Generic routes (map.connect, which Ryan Bates talks about), named_routes and RESTful routes are three different things. I can easily have any URL I want using both generic and named routes. I want to have pretty urls using RESTful routes.
Paweł Gościcki

This might be helpful. You can define a default_url_options method in your ApplicationController that receives a Hash of options that were passed to the url helper and returns a Hash of additional options that you want to use for those urls.

If a post is given as a parameter to post_path, it will be assigned to the first (unnassigned) parameter of the route. Haven't tested it, but it might work:

def default_url_options(options = {})
  if options[:controller] == "posts" && options[:year].is_a?Post
    post = options[:year]
      :year  => post.created_at.year,
      :month => post.created_at.month,
      :slug  => post.slug

I'm in the similar situation, where a post has a language parameter and slug parameter. Writing post_path(@post) sends this hash to the default_url_options method:

{:language=>#<Post id: 1, ...>, :controller=>"posts", :action=>"show"}

UPDATE: There's a problem that you can't override url parameters from that method. The parameters passed to the url helper take precedence. So you could do something like:

post_path(:slug => @post)


def default_url_options(options = {})
  if options[:controller] == "posts" && options[:slug].is_a?Post
      :year  => options[:slug].created_at.year,
      :month => options[:slug].created_at.month

This would work if Post.to_param returned the slug. You would only need to add the year and month to the hash.

Tomas Markauskas
Works! Very clever, although very hackish too. Now is there a cleaner way to solve this?
Paweł Gościcki
That's interesting, because it didn't work for me. I could only see that the post instance is passed. Maybe it's because of the plugin you use. I can only get it to work when I pass the post as `:slug => @post`.
Tomas Markauskas
Now I understand: if you set a value in the `options` hash directly as I did by mistake in my first revision, e.g. `options[:year] = 2009` then it's set correctly (as the hash is being passed by reference). So you can actually overwrite given keys.
Tomas Markauskas
Yes, it requires a plugin so that the routes are correct (this is a prerequirement). Check this:
Paweł Gościcki
Here is my application_controller bit:
Paweł Gościcki
+2  A: 

Pretty URLs for Rails 3.x and Rails 2.x without the need for any external plugin, but with a little hack, unfortunately.


map.resources :posts, :except => [:show] '/:year/:month/:slug', :controller => :posts, :action => :show, :year => /\d{4}/, :month => /\d{2}/, :slug => /[a-z0-9\-]+/


def default_url_options(options = {})
  # resource hack so that url_for(@post) works like it should
  if options[:controller] == 'posts' && options[:action] == 'show'
    options[:year] = @post.year
    options[:month] = @post.month


def to_param # optional

def year

def month


<%= link_to 'post', @post %>

Note, for Rails 3.x you might want to use this route definition:

resources :posts
match '/:year/:month/:slug', :to => "posts#show", :as => :post, :year => /\d{4}/, :month => /\d{2}/, :slug => /[a-z0-9\-]+/

Is there any badge for answering your own question? ;)

Btw: the routing_test file is a good place to see what you can do with Rails routing.

Update: Using default_url_options is a dead end. The posted solution works only when there is @post variable defined in the controller. If there is, for example, @posts variable with Array of posts, we are out of luck (becase default_url_options doesn't have access to view variables, like p in @posts.each do |p|.

So this is still an open problem. Somebody help?

Paweł Gościcki
Badge? There is self learner (if you answered your own question and it has 3 upvotes) and you can accept your answer.
That was just a joke ;) There's a bigger issue. My solution breaks when I'm dealing with posts in other controllers. Specifically, when there is no @post present (while there may be @posts variable there).
Paweł Gościcki
+1  A: 

It's still a hack, but the following works:

In application_controller.rb:

def url_for(options = {})
  if options[:year].class.to_s == 'Post'
    post = options[:year]
    options[:year] = post.year
    options[:month] = post.month
    options[:slug] = post.slug

And the following will work (both in Rails 2.3.x and 3.0.0):

link_to @post.title, @post

This is the answer from some nice soul for a similar question of mine, url_for of a custom RESTful resource (composite key; not just id).

Paweł Gościcki