




I'm trying to get started with JAVA/Eclipse/Spring MVC but can't seem to find a "dummies" or "step-by-step" guide for setting everything up and creating the simplest proof-of-concept application.

I found but there seem to be differences between Spring 2.5 and Spring 3 so i'm looking for something for Spring 3.

Also, the tutorial for Spring 2.5 focuses on building the application usign Ant - This i will certainly be doing for releasing but when working within Eclipse i want to have set up the project so that i can use breakpoints/debugging and this is not covered at all.

I've downloaded Eclipse, Tomcat and the Spring 3 Framework but that's about it and within the downloaded Spring Framework documentation it states:

2.3 New getting started tutorial

There is now a new getting started tutorial for developing a basic Spring 3.0 MVC web application. This tutorial is a separate document that can be found at the Spring Documentation page

However, i can't seem to find such a tutorial on the linked page. My main problem at the moment, as seems to be the case for many people trying to get started with Spring, is that i can't seem to get everything set up.

I've got a copy of Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow and i've also found this tutorial but i don't know if the setups they describe are still relevant and whether they will allow debugging.

Can anyone please give some direction?


+5  A: 

Get the mvc-basic or the petcare sample apps from the Spring Samples SVN repository. These samples have been updated to Spring 3.0 and are directly importable & runnable with SpringSource Tool Suite.

Pascal Thivent
Also opens/runs no problems in NetBeans as they're maven projects. There's no reason why they shouldn't run out of the box with eclipse either, as I believe eclipse has support for Maven too? Have a look at the mvc-showcase project in particular, the build seems to be broken at the moment but they've been constantly updating it lately.
Brett Ryan
@Brett Eclipse doesn't offer Maven support out-of-the-box, you need to install the m2eclipse plugin (not a big deal but it's just not there in a fresh install). However, SpringSource Tools Suite (STS), which is a distro of Eclipse tailored for Spring development, includes it by default. That's why I mentioned it here.
Pascal Thivent
+2  A: 

These days, I think the easiest way to find out how to set up a spring application is by trying out Spring Roo. It may not be what you finally end up using when coding your project but it shows you exactly how to setup a Spring MVC web app.

Hans Westerbeek

Hi I am also started to learn Spring 3.0 and i am not getting any help means any tutorials. but i find this site and its very help full for start up development. but still i am finding another example so that i come to know more about it if anybody knows some example in spring 3.0 then please provide me.

Thanks Dhrumil Shah

Dhrumil Shah