
If I m understanding well, you shuld try to replace playerID by currID in your XML receiver object because atm you put the xml reply in a playerID var and the line after you call saveGame with currID as arg which is undefined.

function scoreboardSubmit() {

 var insertReceive:XML = new XML();
 insertReceive.ignoreWhite = true;
 insertReceive.onLoad = function() {
  var currID = this.firstChild.childNodes[0];
insertSend = new LoadVars();
insertSend.playername = playername;
insertSend.playerscore = playerscore;
insertSend.playerID = playerID;
insertSend.sendAndLoad("scoreboardSend.php", insertReceive, "POST");


You should add the correct content type to your php page

header('Content-type: text/xml');

Finally I think it would be better to store your data in a different way (for exemple by using a savedgame object which contains all game related properties for a same currID)


Thanks for the answer but that wasn't the problem.

I think the problem was that when the sharedObject was having problems storing variable as true numbers and was just converting everything to strings, which was fine for the score but not for the Id as that had to be passed on to the PHP.

Solved it by using String('number') to convert the ID to a string to be stored in the sharedObject and then Number('string') to convert it back to a number when pulling it from the sharedObject.
