



I'd like to do something like this

raiserror(concat('Error in case @isFishy =', @isFishy, ' @isSmarmy=', @isSmarmy, ' @isTasty = ', @isTasty), 10, 1)
raiserror('Error in case @isFishy =' + @isFishy + ' @isSmarmy=' + @isSmarmy + ' @isTasty = ' + @isTasty, 10, 1)

But it just isn't working. How do I accomplish this? I'm in SQL Server 2005.


I use raiserror a lot. We have some stored procedures that are called from a .Net app each night for batch processing, and the .Net app wants to log the procedure output this way. I don't know why, but I generally have to build the string before calling raiserror.

Joel Coehoorn
+3  A: 

The error message in RAISERROR has actually similar syntax to printf function in C, so assuming your arguments are of the type of integer you would need to use:

raiserror(N'Error in case @isFishy = %d @isSmarmy = %d @isTasty = %d',10,1,@isFishy,@isSmarmy,@isTasty)

check out BOL for details and other options

I realise that your arguments look more like BIT data type rather then INT but it seems that BIT is not supported as a valid type for building the message string