I want to output a header line in a log file and then a line of '-' before the data. To do this I create a string of the header and then outpout the same number of '-'.
But the below code always fails with a CONSTRAINT_ERROR because the generated string is not 1024 characters. In Ada string assignments require exactly the same length not just sufficient capacity.
Option 1) is to compute the exact length but that is brittle to future changes. Option 2) is to use something other than String.
procedure F() is
Msg : String(1..1024);
Msg := FLS(" Field1", 12) &
"|" & FLS(" Field2", 12) &
"|" & FLS(" Field3", 16);
Log_To_File("# " & Msg);
Log_To_File("# " & Fill_String(Msg'Last, '-'));