



Hi everyone,

I have a problem with a string in C++ which has several words in Spanish. This means that I have a lot of words with accents and tildes. I want to replace them for their not accented counterparts. Example: I want to replace this word: "había" for habia. I tried replace it directly but with replace method of string class but I could not get that to work.

I'm using this code:

for (it= dictionary.begin(); it != dictionary.end(); it++)
    while (found!=std::string::npos)

Where dictionary is a map like this (with more entries):

dictionary.insert ( std::pair<std::string,std::string>("á","a") );
dictionary.insert ( std::pair<std::string,std::string>("é","e") );
dictionary.insert ( std::pair<std::string,std::string>("í","i") );
dictionary.insert ( std::pair<std::string,std::string>("ó","o") );
dictionary.insert ( std::pair<std::string,std::string>("ú","u") );
dictionary.insert ( std::pair<std::string,std::string>("ñ","n") );

and toReplace strings is:

std::string toReplace="á-é-í-ó-ú-ñ-á-é-í-ó-ú-ñ";

I obviously must be missing something. I can't figure it out. Is there any library I can use?.



If you can (if you're running Unix), I suggest using the tr facility for this: it's custom-built for this purpose. Remember, no code == no buggy code. :-)

Edit: Sorry, you're right, tr doesn't seem to work. How about sed? It's a pretty stupid script I've written, but it works for me.

#!/bin/sed -f
Chris Jester-Young

You might want to check out the boost ( library.

It has a regexp library, which you could use. In addition it has a specific library that has some functions for string manipulation (link) including replace.


I was using unix, I forgot to mention that, but I run tr like this

$tr áéíóú aeiou

it does not work as espected. I think it has to do with unicode and string class.

Yeah, that's strange. I downloaded the GNU sed source code, and it doesn't use any wide characters at all. :-( But never mind! I have a sed solution, which doesn't require wide character support. :-P
Chris Jester-Young
+10  A: 

First, this is a really bad idea: you’re mangling somebody’s language by removing letters. Although the extra dots in words like “naïve” seem superfluous to people who only speak English, there are literally thousands of writing systems in the world in which such distinctions are very important. Writing software to mutilate someone’s speech puts you squarely on the wrong side of the tension between using computers as means to broaden the realm of human expression vs. tools of oppression.

What is the reason you’re trying to do this? Is something further down the line choking on the accents? Many people would love to help you solve that.

That said, libicu can do this for you. Open the transform demo; copy and paste your Spanish text into the “Input” box; enter

NFD; [:M:] remove; NFC

as “Compound 1” and click transform.

(With help from slide 9 of Unicode Transforms in ICU. Slides 29-30 show how to use the API.)

Well, I am from Argentina which is a spanish speaking country, so I'm pretty covered there with the first part.Let me give more details in an answer below.
Anyway, I think it's a good solution the ICU
Right on! Accents and tildes are not there to be cute; chopping them off WILL change the meaning of the text. "Habia" is not a word but "había" is. "Carácter" is 'personality'; a "caracter" is a printed symbol. "Cana" is a white hair; "Caña" is a cane. "Peso" is a noun. "Pesó" is a verb.
Euro Micelli
By the way. I found this page that explains how to use the ICU Transliterator:
While that's true in theory, in practice, many Spanish speakers don't bother to use accents or just get them wrogn (IM comes to mind) and the meaning is still clear. It's like its/it's, they're/their, etc in English. Using them wrong shows a bit of negligence but rarely causes misunderstanding.
Juan Pablo Califano
In Dutch, accents are used for emphasis. "een" is Dutch for "an" or "one", as in "een appel". But if you want to stress _precisely_ one, you'd add accents: "één appel"

The thing is that I am developing an application due in 5 days for university. It's a program that will index the text inside the tag in HTML pages (I can't use apache lucene to create the index also). However I won't be indexing all the words, must remove all stopwords use stemming and make all the text in lowercase. As per request of our teacher we must eliminate accents and tilde in the words. Hope this make things a little clearer.


Ah, that makes sense. Sorry to be harsh…
I agree with, and I'm sorry too; I hope you don't mind, but our comments needs to stay in place, for the next person who has the same question.
Euro Micelli

Try using std::wstring instead of std::string. UTF-16 should work (as opposed to ASCII).


This is a duplicate of How do I translate 8bit characters into 7bit characters? (i.e. Ü to U) .

+1  A: 

I definitely think you should look into the root of the problem. That is, look for a solution that will allow you to support characters encoded in Unicode or for the user's locale.

That being said, your problem is that you're dealing with multi-character strings. There is std::wstring but I'm not sure I'd use that. For one thing, wide characters aren't meant to handle variable width encodings. This hole goes deep, so I'll leave it at that.

Now, as for the rest of your code, it is error prone because you mix the looping logic with translation logic. Thus, at least two kinds of bugs can occur: translation bugs and looping bugs. Do use the STL, it can help you a lot with the looping part.

The following is a rough solution for replacing characters in a string.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include "translate_characters.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
    string text;
    transform(istream_iterator<char>(cin), istream_iterator<char>(),
              inserter(text, text.end()), translate_characters());
    cout << text << endl;
    return 0;



#include <functional>
#include <map>

class translate_characters : public std::unary_function<const char,char> {
    char operator()(const char c);

    std::map<char, char> characters_map;



#include "translate_characters.h"

using namespace std;

    characters_map.insert(make_pair('e', 'a'));

char translate_characters::operator()(const char c)
    map<char, char>::const_iterator translation_pos(characters_map.find(c));
    if( translation_pos == characters_map.end() )
        return c;
    return translation_pos->second;

I could not link the ICU libraries but I still think it's the best solution. As I need this program to be functional as soon as possible I made a little program (that I have to improve) and I'm going to use that. Thank you all for for suggestions and answers.

Here's the code I'm gonna use:

for (it= dictionary.begin(); it != dictionary.end(); it++)
    while (found != std::string::npos)

I will change it next time I have to turn my program in for correction (in about 6 weeks).

+9  A: 

I disagree with the currently "approved" answer. The question makes perfect sense when you are indexing text. Like case-insensitive search, accent-insensitive search is a good idea. "naïve" matches "Naïve" matches "naive" matches "NAİVE" (you do know that an uppercase i is İ in Turkish? That's why you ignore accents)

Now, the best algorithm is hinted at the approved answer: Use NKD (decomposition) to decompose accented letters into the base letter and a seperate accent, and then remove all accents.

There is little point in the re-composition afterwards, though. You removed most sequences which would change, and the others are for all intents and purposes identical anyway. WHat's the difference between æ in NKC and æ in NKD?

your theory falls apart in german. "bär" (bear) will compare to "baer" (bear) but not to "bar" (bar).
Actually, it doesn't. Unicode decomposition of bär gives ba"r (using an extra codepoint for the umlaut), not baer. Remmeber that Unicode decomposition is locale-independent. ä = ae is a German, but not e.g. a Dutch decomposition.
I think you mean 'İ', not 'Ï' for a capital 'i'.
Charles Bailey
Sorry, fixed it.