



The question about covers it. I'm using dreamhost, and need to utilize the stdimagefield rather than image field so I can do this:

 image3 = StdImageField(upload_to='path/to/img', size=(640, 480))

If there is a better way to do this, please let me know.

Edit: Trying it like this, everything is working with the "python shell" as you can see below:

>>> from stdimage import StdImageField
>>> image = StdImageField(upload_to='path', size=(425,325))
>>> print image
<stdimage.fields.StdImageField object at 0x762db3ac5910>

When I try to use it in my model though, I get this error on every page:

Using the URLconf defined in runningshoesreview.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

  1. ^admin/(.*)
  2. ^reviews/

The current URL, internal_error.html, didn't match any of these.


Just put the django-stdimage folder into your project folder (it should already be a package).

Felix Kling
I put it into the folder, added "stdimage" to my installed apps. Then i put 'from stdimage import StdImageField' and the page didn't even load. It said "Using the URLconf defined in runningshoesreview.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order: 1. ^admin/(.*) 2. ^reviews/The current URL, internal_error.html, didn't match any of these."Any idea why?
@Codygman: Well something is not working, I guess you have `debug=False` in your ``. To know what is the problem you have set it to `True`.
Felix Kling
No I had it set to False. Odd that it's trying to load the internal error template. Here is a link for you to look at it, i'll leave it as it is overnight:

Just copy the module contents into your project, making it a package if necessary. I put "external" modules in an external package.

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams