



I am trying to add filmstrip to the picture gallery using GalleryView plug-in, version 2.0. I have a problem that the specified pictures in filmstrip (thumbnail pictures) are displayed in a panel instead of the specified picture in div (class="panel").

As is evident from examples and documentation, custom filmstrip can be added in the following way:

<ul class="filmstrip">
<li><img src="img/gallery/frame-01.jpg" alt="Effet du soleil" title="Effet du soleil" /></li>
<li><img src="img/gallery/frame-02.jpg" alt="Eden" title="Eden" /></li>

My gallery looks like this:

<div id="gallery_wrap">
    <div id="photos" class="galleryview">
        <div class="panel">
            <img src="/upload/pic/IMG_02740_orig.jpg" />
        <div class="panel">
            <img src="/upload/pic/IMG_02740_orig.jpg" />
        <ul class="filmstrip">
                <img src="/upload/pic/IMG_02739_thumb.jpg" alt="Effet du soleil" title="Effet du soleil" /></li>
                <img src="/upload/pic/IMG_02739_thumb.jpg" alt="Eden" title="Eden" /></li>

What I am doing wrong? I have basically total copy-paste from example and it is not working. Does anyone successfully implement this filmstrip section in GalleryView?

How it looks:

alt text

You can clearly see that in panel is a thumbnail pic instead of the original (totally different picture than thumbnail).

I am using the following setting object:

<script type="text/javascript">
        $(function() {
                panel_width: 800,
                panel_height: 300,
                frame_width: 100,
                frame_height: 38,
                transition_speed: 1200,
                background_color: '#222',
                border: 'none',
                easing: 'easeInOutBack',
                pause_on_hover: true,
                nav_theme: 'custom',
                overlay_height: 52,
                filmstrip_position: 'top',
                overlay_position: 'top'
+2  A: 

Just in case issue is related to GalleryView 2.0, see samples for it, there are changes in images list preparation: you don't need to use thumbnails anymore... Your'e gallery description should look like

<div id="gallery_wrap">
   <ul id="gallery">
         <span class="panel-overlay">Effet du soleil</span>
         <img src="/upload/pic/IMG_02740_orig.jpg" />
         <span class="panel-overlay">Eden</span>
         <img src="/upload/pic/IMG_02740_orig.jpg" />

anyway, see GalleryView 2.0 sample

Max Gontar
Yeas I know this, but I would like to use a custom thumbnails. How to to this? I have do exactly as in examples but it does not work.
Peter Stegnar
you should use for custom icons
Max Gontar
What? Version 1.1? 2.0 does not support custom filmstrip??
Peter Stegnar
Max Gontar
Ok, thanks for the info.. But this is really strange.
Peter Stegnar
you're welcome!
Max Gontar
thanks that helped me out, any idea why the left and right arrows might not be showing up on mine ?
have no idea, but this may be a css issue.
Max Gontar
I figured it out

it IS possible to have custom thumbnails:

<ul id="gallery">
   <li><img class="panel-content" src="path/to/image" /><img src="path/to/thumbnail" /></li>

but panel-overlay won't work anymore. 5 Seconds of code reading brought me there :)
