
GalleryView - filmstrip navigation w/o changing a picture in a panel

How to navigate thru GalleryView filmstrip without changing a picture in a panel? I can not find a property for this. GalleryView is pretty popular so I hope, someone will know how to do it simple. It is always possibility to change the gallery code, but I hope there is better solution. Some flag maybe? Currently I have the following s...

GalleryView filmstrip pictures in panel

I am trying to add filmstrip to the picture gallery using GalleryView plug-in, version 2.0. I have a problem that the specified pictures in filmstrip (thumbnail pictures) are displayed in a panel instead of the specified picture in div (class="panel"). As is evident from examples and documentation, custom filmstrip can be added in the f...

Android Gallery View Update Images

Hi, i have a question about using GalleryView. At first, i set five "default images" to show from drawable directory. But after, i want to run an Async Task in which i download the images, save them and show them in the gallery. For that i created the following Adapter: public class ImageAdapter extends BaseAdapter { int ...

Jquery galleryView loading issues: loader image not displaying, taking awhile

I've got an online portfolio that I'm putting up: Image Gallery I've got a php script that selects at most 15 images from a database that contains the urls for the images. e.g. foreach ($database->result as $img) { echo '<a href="path/to/image/' . $img . '">'; ?> When the page first loads, the scroll bar expands as if it is loadi...

Inflated ImageView to put in GalleryView isn't the right size

I am trying to inflate an ImageView that scales a Drawable that I can display in a GalleryView. My code to inflate the view seems to work fine, except that the attributes of the ImageView are not applied. Specifically, the inflated ImageView does not have the width/height that I set for it via the android:layout params in XML. Can som...

How to remove them with jQuery GalleryView plugin?

Hi, I'm using the jQuery GalleryView plugin, and I want to remove the arrow that slides along the thumbnails when the transitions take place. I can't figure out how to remove this (tried using the 'nav_theme' configuration option but no luck). Does anybody know how this is done? ...

Android GalleryView that contains scrollable views, e.g. ListView

Hi, I managed to implement a GalleryView, create a custom Adapter that returns a ListView for each item of the gallery but now the the problem: I while I can scroll the listview vertially, I can no longer scroll the GalleryView horizontally. What I am aiming at is a UI similar to the Google Weather/News application. While you can cl...

How to get jQuery gallery to update when thumbnails are rolled over instead of clicked?

Hi, I'm using the jQuery plugin GalleryView and current, when the thumbnails in the galllery are rolled over their opacity gradually becomes 100%, and when clicked, the main frame updates to reflect this thumbnail's image. I'm trying to change it so that the main image is updated when the thumbnails are rolled over instead of having to...

loading GalleryView script using jquery causes problem

I am using GalleryView and when load the script in the head like this <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/galleryview/jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/galleryview/jquery.galleryview-2.1.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/galleryview/jquery.timers-1.2.js"></script...

jQuery GalleryView Wordpress Plugin is giving me "is not a function" error

I'm attempting to use NextGen Gallery plugin with the new jquery slideshow plugin GalleryView. These are supposed to work lovely together. NGG works on my site if I just go with the default Flash player but that's not going to work for me. So I installed the new GalleryView plugin and put the short code as needed but as you can see on t...

jQuery GalleryView support for links/href

I've upgraded to jQuery GalleryView 2.1.1 and it doesn't seem to support ahref tags on the images. Is there a workaround for this? I want to be able to display the title on image mouseover and redirect to another page onclick. ...