
Filtering Custom Fields in Wordpress Plugin Dev

Hello, I'm wondering if it's possible to add filters and actions on Custom Fields in a post? I have a plugin that extracts all <a> tags and converts them into trackable objects. This works great for the content and excerpt but I can't figure out how to filter the Custom Fields. I've tried calling the below: add_filter('the_meta', 'fu...

WordPress: Useful plugins for building a user manual?

What are some recommended WordPress plugins that make building an online user manual more effective? I've been browsing the plugin directory, but was wondering if anyone has already been down this path and could make some recommendations. Edit: Doh! Using a wiki didn't even occur to me until these responses! I started building a site us...

How to redirect to different admin page in Wordpress?

Hi I am writing a Wordpress plugin. I want to perform a redirect (after creating DB records from POST data, etc...) to other ADMIN page. Neither header("Location: ...) nor wp_redirect() work - i get Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by which comes from obvious reason. How do I properly perform a red...

Displaying MySQL tables as ASCII in blog posts

Hi, I would like to quickly display MySQL recordsets in blog posts, using a similar ASCII layout to that used by mysql.com in their help pages. I'm using wordpress v2.7. Any ideas? I should also add that I'm using wp-syntax for syntax highlighting, so it's really just generating the ASCII that I'm interesting in. ...

Can I install/update wordpress plugins without providing ftp access?

I am using wordpress on my live server which only uses sftp using an ssh key. I want to install and upgrade plugins, but it appears that you are required to enter your ftp login to install the plugins. Is there a way to install and upgrade plugins by manually uploading the files instead of having wordpress handle the entire process? ...

[Wordpress] date issue with PHP 4.4.8

Hello folks. Last week a released a 2.0 beta version of my Events Manager plugin, which produces a list of events. Among the many bugs floating around, there is one I cannot fix. The bug seems to manifest itself only on a tester's server with PHP 4.4.8; works allright on PHP 5. When I try to use the H:i php time format, I always get midn...

Wordpress and Widget using TinyMCE

I have written a Text/HTML widget that uses TinyMCE to allow some basic formatting. However, when I save the changes, the data in the textarea is not getting posted. If I use just a simple textarea without TinyMCE then I can save the data properly. Any ideas? ...

How would you recommend adding an image as a custom field in WordPress?

I need to add an image to each page in WordPress. I don't wish to insert it using the WYSIWYG editor, I just need the url as a custom field, which I later use in the template. I tried using the CFI plugin (Custom Field Images), and I hacked my way into getting it to work with the rest of my plugins, but then I moved the site to the prod...

Wordpress Digg-Like Voting System Plugin

I just found out about BuddyPress (a collection of plugins that convert a WordPress MU install into a social network) and now I was wondering if there are any Digg-like voting plugins for WordPress. This would eventually integrate into a BuddyPress website, where the site members would submit, vote and comment on stories (much like Digg...

Am I reinventing the wheel on this idea?

Ok here it goes, hope this is an original idea. Scenario is this. I have hosted a personal website, which contains a wordpress blog as well. I have a windows mobile connected to internet via GPRS. I want to write an application for my windows mobile, which would track my current GPS coordinates (I don't have GPS but have figured out a w...

Wordpress Custom Plug (how to call multiple javascript files)

I decided to try to create a plugin that calls forth a couple of javascript files and a css file using the Wordpress Plugin Generator. It is working somewhat - it's calling one of the javascript files but not the other two. I am using the wp_enqueue_script function, but probably wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated! <?php /* P...

Wordpress widget creation

%wordpress I've created to tool to turn php functions into Wordpress widgets. I use the register_sidebar_widget function but it seems like wp_register_sidebar_widget would give me more options. Does anyone know if that is legal? P.S. I also generate widgets in the new 2.8 format. ...

debugging "register_activation_hook" in WordPress [closed]

Originally posted on the WordPress forums but no-one answered... so I'll try my luck here... Hi all, I'm trying to learn to write a WordPress plugin by setting myself a goal of witting a user generated glossary plugin after I asked people on Twitter what would be useful (well I may as well use my learning experience to be useful for mo...

WordPress plugin: finding the <!--more--> in the_content

I'm writing a WordPress plugin that filters the_content, and I'd like to make use of the <!--more--> tag, but it appears that it has been stripped out by the time it reaches me. This appears to be not a filter, but a function of the way WordPress works. I could of course resort to reloading the already-loaded content from the database, ...

wordpress wp_list_categories() help

any ideas on how this can be formatted to print out extra attributes in the wp_list_categories function? at the moment, this functions returns the following values <ul class="projects"> <li class="wp-post"><a href="category/projects">Projects</a></li> </ul> How can I change this function to out put 'id' and 'title' tags ...

How do i make custom query with wordpress?

Hi, i need to make a query in a wordpress plugin but i couldn't find a wordpress function and i'm not sure is right to use mysql_query the functions i've found enable ordering and grouping but i need to use also join and in (list) is there a way? thank you ...

Create a Flash frontend for WordPress?

My buddy wants to create a WordPress blog, but because he's picky about the design (specifically the fonts), he wants to use Flash for the frontend -- display, content creation, user interface, etc. He's looking for a plug-in that will take the user input from the Flash interface and convert it into the appropriate PHP for WordPress. I...

Wordpress Questions?

Can I delete the wp-config-sample.php after I save it as wp-config.php. And is there a way I can transfer all my content from my old web pages which are not in a database to wordpress instead of manually adding all the content page by page. Keep in mind I'm adding wordpress to my godaddy hosting account. ...

How to get DOCUMENT_ROOT to work on both localhost and web host?

I have a WordPress plugin that I would like to work on localhost as well as in deployment without modification, but I can't seem to set the location for a directory using one statement. I would like to do this: $feed->set_cache_location($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/wp-content/cache'); While that works on the web host. On localhost i...

AJAX plugin in wordpress rendering incorrectly in Internet Explorer

An AJAX log-in plug-in for Wordpress, 'iredlof AJAX login', is rendering correctly in Safari and Firefox on my Mac, and in Safari, FF and Chrome on PC, but not in Internet Explorer. I know nothing about AJAX, Java, php and at a loss to even start to know where to look for an answer. The developer is not being helpful. It's a new blog on...