
Remove escaped quotes from Wordpress posts

In my content I'm giving my <h3> tags id's for the sake of direct linking. This is how it looks in the post editor: <h3 id="h3-title">H3 Title</h3> So that I can directly link to it like this: <a href="http://example.com/page#h3-title"&gt;H3 Title</a> However, the double quotes are getting escaped somehow, with the html output on...

treeview/hierarchy structure in wordpress

could anybody suggest solution how to display data in treeview like format in wordpress. There is no plugin for that. I want to display something like table of content. Not talking about pages/categories from wordpress itself. I found this jQuery plugin that can be used to display my data. I cannot edit and store data using this plu...

Feedburner Subscribe box in wordpress blog

I want to display the same Subscribe box which is displayed on feedburner feeds: http://feeds.feedburner.com/michaelmartine/ymYs in my wordpress blog. Is there any plugin of wordpress which will do this for me. I googled but didn't found such plugin, please help! Thanks ...

Git and WordPress (+ managing plugins and media)

I'd like to apply revision control - using git - to my WordPress-based website development. Based on my concerns below, how do I go about? Concern 1: Pushing "granular changes" In this specific case, it is hard to mimic the webserver environment locally. Therefore, I would like to push changes very often. Could I push changes on a "sub...

Creating dynamic region content in wordpress as in drupal

hi! I've been using Drupal to create websites for about 2 months. I find it pretty easy to create a view or a block which could hold my dynamic content like latest photos, comments and all. Now, i've started using Wordpress and it puzzles me how to do those things. Like, how to create a site like this: http://theklaxon.com Should i cr...

Show warning/error to user without using wp_die

Hi, I'm currently developing a Wordpress plugin. For my plugin to work I need some info te be filled in on the settings page. Is there a way to warn/throw an error so the blog admin can see this message on his/her dashbord? Is there another function to show errors other than wp_die()? Just in case my plugin (or someone else) screws ...

Add wordpress widget to dashboard using PHP Class

Hello, I'm just putting together a little 'hello world' type plugin to add a widget to the dashboard. The plugin is initialising and everything is fine with that i'm just having a problem adding content to the widget. Here's the code: /* * Setup the class */ if(!class_exists("SampleClassSeries")){ class SampleClassSeries { ...

Wordpress images as subposts

Is it possible to have images in a certain post to be showed as subposts? What I mean is a structure like this: post - http://www.blog.com/some-post I want all images in that post(10) to be shown like this when clicked www.blog.com/some-post/image-1 www.blog.com/some-post/image-2 ... www.blog.com/some-post/image-10 is this possible? ...

How do you get a commenter's email address from a WordPress cookie?

Whats the best practice for getting a commenter's email address from the cookie (this is for a WordPress plugin)? Part of my plugin relies on having an email address and I'd like to try to get it even if they are not logged in by checking for the existence of a comment cookie (which should be there if they've made a comment in the last y...

Count overall wordpress posts

I have been trying to figure out how to display a advertisement on a wordpress blog every N posts.. I have found lots of plugins and guides that show you how to print a ad which just counts how many posts are on the current page.. (ex.. print ad every 3 posts) My problem is, it seems it just counts only the page that you are currently...

Need help with wp_rewrite in a WordPress Plugin

Ok, I've got this code that I've been using to spit out news to an application of mine. It was working until today. I've cutout all the logic in the following code to make it simpiler. But it should "WORK" Can someone help me fix this code to where it works, and is done right? I know it's hacked together ,but it didn't seem to have ...

what's the best ecommerce plugin for wordpress?

I would like to design an eCommerce website with WordPress. I don't want to do it from scratch so I'm looking for a free plugin. The features I expect it to have are: shopping carts shipping modules (Canada post etc..) payment using Paypal customizable themes I came across : WP-eCommerce it claims to be free, however I found out th...

Does a PHP library exist to work with PRC/.mobi files?

I'm writing a WordPress plugin to create an eBook from a selected category in most major eBook formats. I would like to support MobiPocket since that's the format used by the Kindle but I'm not sure how to go about it. From what I've read .mobi files are actually Palm Resource Databases (PRC) but I haven't been able to find a PHP class t...

Get all custom fields that belong to a certain box in Wordpress

How can I get all custom fields that belong to a certain box only. For example, I am using the "more fields" plugin which allows me to create boxes of custom fields for instance a box called "hotel features" with different custom fields as the particular features. Teh point is that when I extract meta data in the template, there is no...

WordPress: Is it possible to have "rss content" AS the "post" itself on blog.wordpress.com?

Hi, I think the title describes my qeustion perfectly. I have a blog on something.wordpress.com . I want to make a post, but the POST should be JUST rss content sourced from a feed I specify. (a) can I do that? (b) can i do that on wordpress.com or do i need to setup my own wordpress installtion? (c) is there a service somewhere that l...

WordPress: Is it possible to make one particular post always on TOP on blog.wordpress.com?

I have a blog on something.wordpress.com , I simply want one post to ALWAYS remain on top. Other posts should go in their regular order. Can someone suggest how to do that OR a theme which makes this possible/? ...

Auto site categories in wp-ecommerce

Im working on getting a auto site up for car parts and was going to use wp-ecommerce under wordpress. Is it any way I would be able to get the categories to narrow down from year > make > model > then show all the stuff for that car? something like what this site has: http://www.stillen.com/vehicle.asp is it anyway I can work the categ...

header redirect in Wordpress Plugin?

I'm writing a Wordpress plugin, and based on certain circumstances, I want to redirect to a different page, but the redirect never happens. headers_sent() returns false. I'm using the pre_get_posts hook. Here is a small snippet: function test_redirect() { header("Location: http://www.cnn.com/"); } add_action('pre_get_posts', 'test_...

How To Intercept All WordPress Queries and Restrict to Category?

In WordPress plugin coding, if I have two categories (cars and gardening) and I want to always exclude gardening from all queries, what is the intercept (hook or other trick) I need to do to do this? I need to always exclude gardening whether it be via search, tag cloud widget, comment widget, calendar widget, and any other portion of th...

include link list depending on category

I want to display the linklist widget only on a certain category. The current way the sidebar is fetched is: if (!function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar(1)) Which doesnt give me a say in the calling of the links widget. If i put an if clause there, then the rest of the widgets dont get loaded. So i either need to cu...