
Output text as GIF or PNG for use in eBook

BACKGROUND: My goal is to create an eBook that I can read with the Mobipocket reader on my Blackberry. The problem is that my text includes UTF-8 characters which are not supported on the Blackberry, and therefore display as black boxes. The eBook will contain a list of English and Punjabi words for reference, such as: bait ...

Binary file IO in python, where to start?

As a self-taught python hobbyist, how would I go about learning to import and export binary files using standard formats? I'd like to implement a script that takes ePub ebooks (XHTML + CSS in a zip) and converts it to a mobipocket (Palmdoc) format in order to allow the Amazon Kindle to read it (as part of a larger project that I'm worki...

Does a PHP library exist to work with PRC/.mobi files?

I'm writing a WordPress plugin to create an eBook from a selected category in most major eBook formats. I would like to support MobiPocket since that's the format used by the Kindle but I'm not sure how to go about it. From what I've read .mobi files are actually Palm Resource Databases (PRC) but I haven't been able to find a PHP class t...

Is there an open-source implementation of the Dictionary Huffman compression algorithm?

I'm working on a library to work with Mobipocket-format ebook files, and I have LZ77-style PalmDoc decompression and compression working. However, PalmDoc compression is only one of the two currently-used types of text compression being used on ebooks in the wild, the other being Dictionary Huffman aka huffcdic. I've found a couple of i...