Hello, I'm just putting together a little 'hello world' type plugin to add a widget to the dashboard. The plugin is initialising and everything is fine with that i'm just having a problem adding content to the widget. Here's the code:
* Setup the class
class SampleClassSeries {
function sampleClassSeries(){
//Our dashboard widget
function addSampleDashboard(){
<p>This is a test plugin samlple yo!</p>
function setup_sample_widgets() {
wp_add_dashboard_widget('sample_ideas_widget', 'Sample Widget', 'addSampleDashboard');
}//End sampleClassSeries
* Initialise the class
$samp_classSeries = new SampleClassSeries();
* Attach actions and filters
//Add actions here
add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', array(&$samp_classSeries, 'setup_sample_widgets'), 1);
Now i'm sure the problem lies in the "wp_add_dashboard_widget" where i'm calling "addSampleDashboard". I'm guessing it can't see the function as i'm getting
Warning: call_user_func(addSampleDashboard) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.