First off, I admit I'm a WP-noob, so I'm not even sure I'm going about this the right way. I'm trying to create a simple plugin that replaces matched text in the_content. The code works on my PHP test server, but fails in WP, leaving me to believe I'm missing something. I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
I would li...
I have created a gallery in a WordPress post using WordPress's native media gallery and it shows me the images as gallery thumbnails in rows and columns which is exactly what I want.
But when I click on any of the thumbnail it opens the direct image link. I want that the image should be shown in my blogs environment. I would actually wa...
Has anyone come acrross this problem?
I have setup a Wordpress install on a subdomain. It's only temporary subdomain and is just for testing.
I've used a popular Wordpress contact form plugin called 'contact form 7'
Any messages I submit via the test form come through fine in all but one email client.
Microsoft Outlook 2007
It ...
wordpress\wp-includes\default-widgets.php @ line 91
* Links widget class
* @since 2.8.0
class WP_Widget_Links extends WP_Widget {
function WP_Widget_Links() {
$widget_ops = array('description' => __( "Your blogroll" ) );
$this->WP_Widget('links', __('Links'), $widget_ops);
function widget( $args, $instance ) {
I'm trying to include my plugin stylesheet on my WP website (frontend), but for some reason it's not working.
function init_gallery_scripts() {
if (is_admin() ) {
// This works!
wp_enqueue_script('gallery', plugins_url('js/gallery.js',__FILE__),array('wp-filebrowser'));
wp_enqueue_style('gallery-css', plugins_url(...
//This function generates the link tag
function myplugin_generatestylesheet(){
//Form the URL to the css file stored in our plugin directory
$pluginURL = get_bloginfo('home').'/wp-content/plugins/myplugin/mycss.css';
//Write it to the browser
echo '<link href="'.$pluginURL.'" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />';
//Now we...
Hello can somenone sugets the best free alternative to Askimet for blocking spam from coments in wordpress?
Has anyone discovered a relatively easy way to add lightbox to a theme that doesn't support it out of the box?
I wrote a read more function for my front page that loads in a section of html from another file.
When this section drops down the gallery enclosed within this section doesn't work. However, if you go to the single page article it works.
I know it is something to do with this.
I'm using this plugin but I'm unsure of how to fix it.
I am a newbie in Plugin Development. So please correct me, wherever I get wrong.
I have a website which needs a Players Plugin with the following needs:-
An Admin controllable form for Player registration, with some details of them.
A listing page where all the registered players are to be shown.
Registered Players can be deleted & ...
I'm currently using a read more function on the frontpage of my site to load in larger sections of articles. It loads from a seperate html file a div with the id mainarticle. It makes use of the jQuery function .load() but the lightbox within this section does not work.
I know it is something to do with .live() but I am unable to pinp...
I have a requirement for a Wordpress site that allows the user to buy a licence for an online product via an eCommerse system. Here's the ideal scenario:
The user pays for a licence for a web app
The Wordpress site would need to call a webservice to get the unique username and password
Either the Wordpress site or the webservice would...
I was trying to write a script that will uncover the plugins a certain WP blog employs... without success...
The final output file should include name and version of all plugins, activated and deactivated.
(Maybe grabbing all data from WP DB?)
Hope that makes sense.
Not sure it can be considered as question...
Hi to all, is there any plugin that classificate the comments and colorize them related to their class.
I mean; when commenters making comment, they should be able to choose a class from dropdown (such:General/Support/Suggestion/.. etc.) and related to this selection comment background will be colorized.
Visitors can be able see only one...
First of all, I want to say sorry for this very big question, but all these questions were disturbing my little brain (or no brain!) for the past couple of days as I was not getting any suitable answer. I will request to first read this slowly, and whoever knows any part of it, please try to answer it for that part only. I will really be...
I am using cforms plugin on a wordpress page.
Unfortunately "required" in Russian seems to be two words according to the translation office.
In Firefox it looks ok, in Safari it breaks to the bottom left of that line.
span.emailreqtxt {
margin:2px 0 0 3px;