
How to use Lightbox under MVC

I am a big fan of the Lightbox2 library, and have used it in the past just not on an MVC project. In the past I remember that Lightbox2 was picky about the paths it scripts, css, and images resided in. I remember specifically have to put everything in subdirectories of the page's path, else it wouldn't work. In a non-MVC application tha...

Lightbox beyond the browser

Hi, I'm working on a new project, a web application, where I need to focus the user on a particular task. Therefore I want to eliminate all other "System Generated Noise", like Browser Menus, Buttons, Address Bar, OS Task Bar and so forth. I have seen implementations like Lightbox, but this modal approach is limited to the size of the b...

javascript-problem with lightbox 2 on ie7

I am having a problem with lightbox2 on IE7. I've modified lightbox, moved the navigation around a bit - everything works fine on Firefox but in IE7 there is a problem: the first time I click on a thumbnail only a part of the background dims and the large image doesn't show. If i try again it works, the problem only occurs after a full p...

In Drupal 6, how do I make a specific content type always show with lightbox 2?

Doing node/%/lightbox2 would do it, but I can't figure out how to make a dynamic link to the node! Ideally, each node will have a thumbnail, and that thumbnail will trigger the lightbox2-viewed node ...

Javascript and CSS Lightbox that can view PDFs

Has anyone ever found any lightbox type javascript / css code that can display PDFs? I have tried many libraries and none have worked for me. The environment needs to be IE6/IE7 compatible. I am looking for something similar to this: Lightbox 2 ...

Problems with dynamically loading external js files on a onload event

I'm trying to get lightbox2 working with my site, , however i seem to be having a problem with conflicting external js files. I'm not entirely sure i know where the problem is with this code, but i believe its got todo with how the onload events are called. the blog content on the homepage is loaded...

add a button link to lightbox 2

Hi, I need to add a button link to lightbox 2. I have added the code to the title attribute of the anchor and while this works well, the code shows in the hover tool tip. I read a recent question where the answer was to modify line 398 of lightbox.js as follows: 398: imageArray.push(new Array(anchor.getAttribute('href'), anchor.getAtt...

How to get crossSlide and lightbox2 working together on the same page.

(CrossSlide) (LightBox) This is my header: <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo ROOT.'sources/js/jquery.js'; ?>"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo ROOT.'sources/js/contentSlider/jquery.cross-slide.js'; ?>"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo ROOT.'sources/css/lightbox.css'; ?>" type="text...

lightbox jquery show text

Hey I'm using the jquery lightbox, is there a way to show an textfield istead of images or both ? or maybe another way to show a text in lightbox popup? ...

Using LightBox in ASP.NET master pages

I am using LightBox v2.0.4 with master pages on a web site and am having problems with the loading.gif and closelabel.gif images appearing. I have content pages residing in folders that are 3 layers in from the root, their master page is 2 layers in from root, images in question are in ~/images/, and the javascript files are in ~/js/. e....

JQuery Lightbox 2 Plugin problem

I'm working on a gallery, which use jQuery Lighbox 2 (plugin page). I have the problem, that the navigation entries are also visible, when an image is selected (see example here). For the navigation i'm using css menu. Can someone tell me, how to make the enties invisible, when an image was selected? ...

What is the logic of Lightbox 2 on where to position the popup?

What is the logic of Lightbox 2 on where to position the popup? It seems that when using Firefox or Chrome it shows up in different places on different pages. Is there any setting to have it show at the same height on every page for consistency? What is the CSS or logic it's using to determine positioning? ...

How to call lightbox from outstanding link?

Hello, Does somebody know, how to call a lightbox from an custom link? Example: $('#price1 a').lightBox(); //in the header Now I want to click a custom link somewhere on the page. <a href="#" class="price1">Link to lightBox</a> And images in a div (until link clicked they are not visible) <div id="price1" style="display: none;"...

Lightbox2 doesnt like IE8

view my page: click on the picture (woman study 01) in IE8 and the transparent black background does not go all the way down the page.... any help is appreciated! I have tried many things in css like changing the height to 100% for the overlay div, etc... ...

Drupal + LightBox2 component = use body as title (caption) for lightbox

Hi there I am using the LightBox2 component on my website to display the gallery images in a grouped lightbox. I add images to the website by using the Image component and adding all the images to the Photos book. However, images can still be viewed separately on a page, if I so choose. The url would then look something like this: www.m...

Lightbox not working after external loaded page with images

Hello, I have implemented lightbox-plugin for jQuery of krewenki in a masterpage including all images. This was working fine. Till i put the images in a external page and load this external images page in the master document. Lightbox does not work anymore. Is this jQuery code fault, or is this a lightbox-plugin problem? Main-html <h...

Disable auto-lightboxing per post -Wordpress

I'm using the Lightbox 2.9.2 (Rupert Morris, based on ) on my Wordpress blog ( and use the auto-lightbox setting (lets the plugin add html to image links). However, i'd like to prevent a specific image on a post to be called by lightbox. Is there a code to break/prevent this on individual instance and not change my automatic...

Custom height in Lightbox2

Is there any way to set a fixed/custom height for ligtbox2? #lightbox img{ width: auto; height: 600px;} This only resizes the img and not the outer container. ...

Drupal Form can't access javascript function (errors "not a function")

using drupal with lightbox2 to open a form. this form is from a custom module. the module has a setting: 'onsubmit' => 'return form_submission(this);' and that appears to be working correctly. I've included the functions.js in the file and it's showing up, i can open that file and see the function. for some reason, i keep g...

using lightbox with code igniter

I'm trying to use Lightbox with my CodeIgniter application. Lightbox says to put the following in the head tag: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/prototype.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/lightbox.js"></script> <link rel="s...