



Can I delete the wp-config-sample.php after I save it as wp-config.php. And is there a way I can transfer all my content from my old web pages which are not in a database to wordpress instead of manually adding all the content page by page. Keep in mind I'm adding wordpress to my godaddy hosting account.

+2  A: 

Yes you can delete the sample configuration file if you want to.

You could theoretically write a script to take the content from your pages and insert them into Wordpress, but depending on the number of pages and the diversity of the structure/content of the pages it may be more worthwhile to do it manually.


Yes you can delete the file. There is no harm in it as the file name says its just a sample file.

Well copying the content from your old web pages is a tiring job. And as Ghills said its not an easy task to write a script to move the content as there are lot of other jobs involved when you write a post. Example : Categories, Tags, images etc.

Also you cannot trust the script completely as you will be moving a HTML content and dont know how wordpress editor will accept it.

Its better to o it manually.


Of course you can delete the file, because it is a sample. Most people rename it to just wp-config.php and modify it, but if you went through the graphical interface, there is no harm.

As for transferring, since you are making a static-to-live transfer, it is recommended to do this by hand so you will not make any errors with a script.

Although this is a hassle, the next time you need to move it, there are scripts as well as setups for a WordPress-to-WordPress transfer, WordPress-to-Typepad transfer, etc.

Brandon Wang