
Read Firefox 3 bookmarks

Firefox 3 stores the bookmarks in a sqlite database. There are several hacked sqlite java libraries available. Is there a way to hack the sqlite database in java(not using libraries) to read bookmarks reliably? Does someone know how the sqlite DB is stored and access programmatically (from java)? ...

How to get the file path from HTML input form in Firefox 3

We have simple HTML form with <input type="file">, like shown below: <form><label for="attachment">Attachment:</label> <input type="file" name="attachment" id="attachment"><input type="submit"></form> In IE7 (and probably all famous browsers, including old Firefox 2), if we submit a file like '//server1/path/to/file/filename' it works...

Firefox XPCOM component - Permission denied to call method UnnamedClass

Can a firefox XPCOM component read and write page content across multiple pages? Scenario: A bunch of local HTML and javascript files. A "Main.html" file opens a window "pluginWindow", and creates a plugin using:'UniversalXPConnect'); var obj = Components.classes[cid].createInstance(...

Is Firebug on Firefox 3 stable yet?

I really should upgrade to Firefox 3, but I'm very dependent on Firebug working properly. I know there is a version of Firebug that is supposed to work with Firefox 3, but last time I looked, there seemed to be problems with it. So, for those that have made the jump, is Firebug on Firefox 3 ready for prime time? ...

How to get Selenium working with PHP/Firefox3 on Linux

I am trying to get Selenium RC working with Firefox 3 on Linux with PHP/Apache but am experiencing problems. Here's what I've done: I have installed the Firefox Selenium-IDE extension. On the web server (which in my case is actually the same machine running Firefox), I've started the Selenium server with: java -jar selenium-server.jar...

Style sheet images aren't reloaded by Firefox or Safari

We have found out that Firefox (at least v3) and Safari don't properly cache images referenced from a css file. The images are cached, but they are never refreshed, even if you change them on the server. Once Firefox has the image in the cache, it will never check if it has changed. Our css file looks like this: div#news { background...

Updated Firefox Extension - Still says "No updates were found."

I am working on a new version of a firefox extension, but after releasing it, and incrementing the em:version in install.rdf and update.rdf, when I click "Find updates" Firefox reports that "No updates were found." When I run it with debugging on, the output in the console is actually identical to what I see when I don't put the update ...

SharePoint and Firefox 3

I think most of the SharePoint developers and administrators know that with the change form Firefox 2 to Firefox 3 some functionality of SharePoint have became unavailable. Especially adding Webparts to a site and using the PeoplePicker don't work anymore with Firefox 3. So I want to know how you deal with this problem when some of you...

Firefox 3 doesn't apply my xslt stylesheet, but other browsers do.

I'm trying to serve dynamically generated xml pages from a web server, and provide a custom, static, xslt from the same web server, that will offload the processing into the client web browser. Until recently, I had this working fine in Firefox 2, 3, IE5, 6 and Chrome. Recently, though, something has changed, and Firefox 3 now displays ...

@import in @media not working in Firefox 3.0.3

This is what I have, which works in IE7, but not in Firefox: @media screen { @import 'screen.css'; } It works outside of the @media block in Firefox: @import 'screen.css'; UPDATE: This works: @media screen { .yui-d3f { border: 1px solid #999; height: 250px; } } What am I missing? ...

How to change url for some sites automatically in Firefox 3

I want some particular urls like "" to automatically convert to "". The second url takes me to springer site through my college library gateway; I am able to access some parts that would otherwise be restricted. Is there some way to convert the url as above automatically in firefox 3? ...

Images & Hyperlink Borders - Ghost 1px x 1px Border

I've an image that is wrapped in an anchor tag that, through jQuery, triggers an action somewhere else on the page. When I click on the image, two tiny 1px by 1px boxes show up in the upper and lower left corners of the image. My CSS styles explicitly state no borders for images: a,img { border: 0; } It also seems to only happen in Fi...

How to get image transparency working on IE

I have a GIF image that has an alpha set, and when my site loads in Firefox 3.0, it acts transparently on the parts of the image that should. However, when I try to load the GIF image in IE7, it comes back as a solid block. Actually, it is like the color from the image bled into the transparent area. Do anyone have any suggestions for...

How to create firefox3 sidebar?

Hi I want to create sidebar in Firefox 3 but have no clue how to do this. I find tutorial on MDC ( but after installation extension do not work with "not compatible with Firefox 3.0.3" error. Does anybody have any tip or link to some resource about how to make sidebar? ...

Pulling in Dynamiclly Generated (not a static file) CSS in FF?

Is there any way of pulling in a CSS stylesheet into FireFox 2 or 3 that is not a static file? Bellow is the code we are using to pull in a stylesheet dynamically generated by a CGI script. <link rel="stylesheet" href="/cgi-bin/Xebra?ShowIt&s=LH4X6I2l4fSYwf4pky4k&shw=795430-0&path=customer/DEMO/demo1.css" type="text/css"> /cgi-bin...

HTML Click Works in IE, not FireFox, Chrome

This has got to be something simple: I set up a frames page with two possible sources for the target frame based on a form with two options. I used the OnClick event to trap the user's click to show the appropriate page. It works fine in Internet Explorer 7, swapping the two source pages. FireFox 3 and Chrome show only the default so...

Why doesn't || seem to work as a coalesce/default operator in JavaScript?

I've seen a couple web pages say that "a = b || 'blah'" should assign 'blah' to a if b is undefined or null. But if I type that into Firebug or use it in code, it complains that b is not defined, at list on FF3/win. Any hints? Edit: I'm looking for the case where b may not exist at all. For example, a DOM node without an id. ...

How can I access the bookmarks toolbar using only shortcuts in Firefox 3

I am not interested in accessing the bookmarks menu or sidebar. The specific goal that I'm trying to accomplish is to be able to easily navigate (using only the keyboard) through the live bookmarks loaded from stack overflow by means of a feed reader and located on my bookmarks toolbar. Notes: I have found an add-on that supposedly d...

What are the rendering differences between FF2 and FF3?

I've noticed slight spacing differences in HTML rendering between these versions in Windows XP. Is the box-model interpreted in a slight different manner? ...

How can I change Firefox's proxy settings from an external program?

I've seen a few programs (eg Charles Web Developer Proxy) that are able to modify Firefox's proxy settings. The sequence is: Firefox is running, with the users proxy settings. User starts the external third party application, which modifies Firefox's proxy settings, and then the user exits the third party program and, Firefox resumes r...