I decided to try to create a plugin that calls forth a couple of javascript files and a css file using the Wordpress Plugin Generator. It is working somewhat - it's calling one of the javascript files but not the other two.
I am using the wp_enqueue_script function, but probably wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Plugin Name: Tab Header Code
Plugin URI: [insert the plugin uri here]
Description: Inserts appropriate javascript and css libraries for tabs
Author: Jesse Wallace
Version: 0.1
Author URI: http://www.enticent.com
Generated At: www.wp-fun.co.uk;
if (!class_exists('tabstyles')) {
class tabstyles {
* PHP 4 Compatible Constructor
function tabstyles(){$this->__construct();}
* PHP 5 Constructor
function __construct(){
add_action("init", array(&$this,"add_script1"));
add_action("init", array(&$this,"add_script2"));
add_action("init", array(&$this,"add_script3"));
add_action("wp_head", array(&$this,"add_css"));
* Tells WordPress to load the scripts
function add_script1(){
wp_enqueue_script('tab_header_code_script1', '/wp-content/plugins/tab-header-code/js/tabview-min.js', NULL , 0.1);
function add_script2(){
wp_enqueue_script('tab_header_code_script2', '/wp-content/plugins/tab-header-code/js/element-min.js', NULL , 0.1);
function add_script3(){
wp_enqueue_script('tab_header_code_script3', '/wp-content/plugins/tab-header-code/js/yahoo-dom-event.js', NULL , 0.1);
* Adds a link to the stylesheet to the header
function add_css(){
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.get_bloginfo('wpurl').'/wp-content/plugins/tab-header-code/css/tabstyle.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />';
//instantiate the class
if (class_exists('tabstyles')) {
$tabstyles = new tabstyles();