
Problem displaying custom property values for SharePoint custom field types

I'm trying to create a custom field type in SharePoint (WSS 3.0) that has custom properties. I have created my fldtypes*.xml file based on the SDK docs and this blog post and it seems to render fine and I can retrieve the custom property values inside my code. My problem is that after the initial field creation, if I go back to the lis...

How would you recommend adding an image as a custom field in WordPress?

I need to add an image to each page in WordPress. I don't wish to insert it using the WYSIWYG editor, I just need the url as a custom field, which I later use in the template. I tried using the CFI plugin (Custom Field Images), and I hacked my way into getting it to work with the rest of my plugins, but then I moved the site to the prod...

Is the OnAdded field event fired when a content type is added to a list

Say I have a custom field type called MyCoolField that I have deployed in a solution. This solution also contains a an SPEventReceivers that has overridden ItemAdded, ItemUpdated, and ItemDeleting. All the specifics of this particular field type are probably not super relevant, but one things to note is that inside of the "OnAdded" met...

How to modify how the custom field looks on sharepoint list (allitems view)?

Hi, I'm trying to write a custom field that is representing the time spend on the task. The field derives from NumberField (number is representing minutes) but I want to display it on the list as HH:MM for that purpose I've tried to override the fallowing function: protected override void RenderFieldForDisplay(System.Web.UI.Htm...

How to access other model instance fields from to_python in a custom Django field implementation

How can I access the model instance from a custom Django model field's to_python call? When I overrode pre_save, for example, I had model_instance as one of the arguments. to_python only receives the value. How can I do something like: def to_python(self, value): value = value_based_on_another_field_from_model() return value ...

When is the formfield() method called in Django?

This is a question on making custom fields in Django. I'm making a field called EditAreaField, which inherits from TextField. Here's what my code looks like: class EditAreaField(models.TextField): description = "A field for editing the HTML of a page" def formfield(self, **kwargs): defaults = {} defaults['widget'] = Ed...

How to disable commas on Integer field in Edit item screen

Hi, I have a field defined as this: <Field Type="Integer" DisplayName="BŠS" Required="FALSE" Commas="FALSE" Group="CRPU grupa" ID="{f8ae007e-df89-4149-8318-a79673cec338}" SourceID="{e0015c45-f539-484b-ae04-b792801053e3}" StaticName="BŠS" Name="BŠS" /> This is a part of a custom content type, which is added to a list. When I display ...

Creating Custom Field Types with Additional Column Settings

I am trying to create a Custom Field Type which is same as Multiple lines of text field with the following additional: It has one extra text box in the Additional Column Settings section when creating the question When rendering the question, the value in the text box to be displayed before the text box as a link Does anyone k...

How to add a Drupal CCK Custom Field which supports unique identification of multiple values

I need to create a custom field that supports multiple values which can be uniquely identified (beyond the delta field which changes when the values are re-ordered). I have created a module for the field and specified the two database columns that I would like CCK to use (one for the value and one for the ID) but I am not sure where the...

Sharepoint RenderPattern and "neutral" DateTime values

Hi there I created a custom Sharepoint field and a custom renderplattern for it: <RenderPattern Name="DisplayPattern"> <Column Name="Date" HTMLEncode="FALSE" Format="DateTime"/> </RenderPattern> So basically it is writing out the raw value of the "Date" field. Currently I'm using the output clientside using Javascript: ....