
PHP access to iTunes tags in an RSS feed

I need to get access to the iTunes tags in an RSS feed using PHP. I've used simplepie before for podcast feeds, but I'm not sure how to get the iTunes tags using it. Is there a way to use simplepie to do it or is there a better way? Okay I tried Simple XML. All this (the code below) seems to work $feed = simplexml_load_file('http://...

dynamic rows and columns inside a foreach loop

I'm trying, but I'm stucked with the logic... so, I have this: $max_items=10; echo '<table>'; echo '<tr>'; foreach ($feed->get_items(0, $max_items) as $item): echo '<td>'; echo $some_value; echo '</td>'; endforeach; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; I want to show the results like this: [1][2] [3][4] [5][6] [7][8] [9][10] I ha...

Deleting a section of text from an RSS feed

Twitter's RSS feed displays names as: <name>johnDoe (John Doe)</name> Is there a way to use php or javascript (preferably jquery) to delete everything starting with the first parentheses and after? I only want to show the username and not the username and the person's actual name. Other details: I'm parsing an RSS feed into a page ...

Is there anything in the Django / Python world equivalent to SimplePie Plugin for Wordpress?

I know that SimplePie itself is derived from UFP, but the features I'm wondering about are the post-processing features that are available in SimplePie for WordPress plugin: Can I find something similar to this for my Django application? Can this be ...

How to get DOCUMENT_ROOT to work on both localhost and web host?

I have a WordPress plugin that I would like to work on localhost as well as in deployment without modification, but I can't seem to set the location for a directory using one statement. I would like to do this: $feed->set_cache_location($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/wp-content/cache'); While that works on the web host. On localhost i...

Problems with simplepie reading the itunes:category tag

Hi to all, i'm having a bit of a complication reading the itunes:category tag. I'm using blip to host some files, i use simple pie to read the blip feed and then "creating" a valid feed for itunes podcast. My code works fine in some cases but in other it simply doen't work. Here is the part of my code that reads the itunes:category tag:...

Wordpress: How to include a custom field in an array (SmplePie)

Hi! Wordpress 2.8.4, Simple Pie Plugin 2.2.1 I'm having this: <?php echo SimplePieWP(array( ';client=ytapi-youtube-search&amp;alt=rss&amp;v=2' ),array('items' => '1')); ?> Instead of "fifa10" I'd like to have the value of a custom field with the key "name-of-game" in t...

How to get the category (Label) of a post from RSS with SimplePie

Hi, Is there any member function available in SimplePie to get the Category (Labels) of a post ? ...

Show each date only once

All right, this must be an absolutely easy question, and I apologize for that. I also apologize if I simply failed in finding the right search terms to use to come to an answer on my own. I did try, but my lack of fluency in PHP kind of makes me suck at searching. I'm looking for a simple way to show each date only once within a foreac...

SimplePie html rssfeeds Codeigniter

hi y'all, I wanted to ask, I have a div that I would want to place RSS feeds from the BBC or CNN. Now that works but I wanted to paginate the feeds that come in, display 5 at a time with the others showing when the links are clicked. I am starting to write the code now but I was hoping I would get either inspiration or have an example I...

codeigniter simplepie

hey, I wanted to mention, i have simplepie working in my development environment but as soon as I uploaded the site I cannot get feeds into my homepage. Any ideas? here is the code that works on localhost: function Homepage() { parent::Controller(); $this->base = $this->config->item('base_url'); $this->css = $this->config->ite...

Using SimplePie with CodeIgniter and XAMPP

I am using CodeIgniter 1.7.2 with XAMPP 1.7.2 on a Windows computer. I am trying to make use of SimplePie. I followed all the instructions I could find: a copy of is in my applications/libraries folder, renamed to simplepie.php I enabled curl on Apache. I attempt to load SimplePie as follows: this->load->library('simplep...

Create and include a variable in SimplePie (PHP)

Within the code below, how do I set VAR as some variable and then include it within the SimplePie code as the feed URL? The "feed" code is from the Simplepie PHP libary. <?php $VAR = ""; $feed1 = new SimplePie(); $feed1->set_feed_url('$VAR'); $feed1->init(); ?> ...

Simplepie - fetch feeds from database

I want to fetch multiple feeds from the database and in so doing fetch all new content from those feeds it works but there is a problem and I have no idea what's causing it, this is the code: $feed_sql = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT feed from tutorial_feed WHERE approved=1"); $feeds = array(); $i = 0; while($feed_...

Split an RSS feed into separate feeds

I'm trying to find a way to split a single RSS feed into separate feeds based on keyword matches. Yahoo Pipes was my first thought, but I couldn't find a way to do it. Although Pipes has a split module, there is only one output module available for any pipe. So I can't see how I would ever get more than one feed from a pipe. The whole ...

SimplePie not parsing flickr feed

I am trying to use SimplePie to pull a group pool flickr feed: $feed = new SimplePie(); $feed->set_feed_url(';lang=en-us&amp;format=rss_200'); $feed->init(); $feed->handle_content_type(); Then I use typical SimplePie php calls to loop through the feed items. How...

I'm trying to run some PHP scripts as CLI instead of over HTTP. How do I make them play nice?

Hi everyone. I'm using some PHP scripts from FeedForAll to join together RSS feeds (RSSmesh) and display them as HTML (RSS2HTML). Because I intend to run these scripts fairly intensively and don't want the resulting HTTP requests and bandwidth to count towards my hosting quota, I am in the process of moving to running them on the web ho...

Write permissions with Codeigniter + Simplepie

I am trying to create a simple RSS parser using the two frameworks. However I am getting PHPerrors when trying to write to my cache directory: set_cache_location(APPPATH.'cache/rss'); I am running windows 7 with XAMPP using the latest version of Simplepie from github error: A PHP Error was encountered Severity: User Warning Messa...

SimplePieconvert links

i was trying parse this link with simplepie. I get the RSS parsed but i can't click on the links, how to convert this links to cickable links? tks ...

Add Flickr RSS feed to Page via SimplePie

Hi all. I'm trying to add my recently uploaded flickr feed onto a site. I've followed tutorials with Simple Pie, but can't get what I desire. I need to be able dictate where each image will sit in multiple DIV's rather than just one repeated DIV. Here is a website which seems to do what I want.. It basically updates t...