



When I am using (encrypt/decrypt) javax.crypto.Cipher class for long string, some characters in output string are invalid.

 byte[] inputBytes = str.getBytes();
 cypheredBytes = cipher.doFinal(inputString, 0, inputBytes, outputBytes, 0);
 return new String(outputBytes, 0, cypheredBytes);

 byte[] inputBytes = str.getBytes();
 cypheredBytes = cipher.doFinal (inputBytes, 0, inputBytes.length, outputBytes, 0);
 return new String(outputBytes, 0, cypheredBytes);

I guess it's a problem with character encodings.

The following transformation may be not reversible:

String str = String(outputBytes, 0, cypheredBytes); 
byte[] inputBytes = str.getBytes(); 

Keep the encrypted message as a byte[] instead of String.

Also, the following lines depend on system default encoding:

byte[] inputBytes = str.getBytes();         
return new String(outputBytes, 0, cypheredBytes);

Consider explicit encoding specification:

byte[] inputBytes = str.getBytes("UTF-8");         
return new String(outputBytes, 0, cypheredBytes, "UTF-8");
Thanx, but it doesn`t help
While the idea here is correct, the last part is ultimately incorrect. You cannot make an arbitrary byte array into a String *even if* you specify UTF-8 encoding and *even if* it appears to work.
@GregS: It's not an arbitrary array, it's a result of `str.getBytes("UTF-8")`
@axtavt: No, it is the result of cypheredBytes = cipher.doFinal(inputString, 0, inputBytes, outputBytes, 0);
+1  A: 

axtavt is correct. The problem is that you cannot turn an arbitrary byte array (cypheredBytes) into a String. If you really need it as a String (say, to send across the wire) then you'll need to turn it into something like hex or Base 64. You'll find codecs for each of these in Commons Codecs.

+1 correct, and pointing the OP to the codecs library is good too. Don't roll your own, use Apache Common Codecs.
Or just cart the crypto data around as a byte[] array ...