



Hi, I'm trying to get text from in between 2 html tags, only the difficulty is that the tag can differ from name.

I'll explain into detail:

<icon displayid="62115">inv_helmet_130</icon>

I have to get the


But the displayid of the tag can differ, any ideas on how to solve this? Perhaps with a regular explression but I'm not good at those.

Thanks in advance.

+1  A: 

Do not use a regular expressions for dealing with HTML.

Use something specifically designed for XML/HTML like XPath instead. It is already part of PHP's libraries.

The XPath expression you want is going to something along the lines of this,


Which reads, "Select the text from any icon element in the document, regardless of its id or parents."

Thanks, I think I can get it to work with this.
Gilles De Mey
+2  A: 

Simple HTML DOM Parser should be able to handle that:

$html = file_get_html('');

foreach($html->find('icon') as $element) 
       echo $element->innertext . '<br>';

You can single them out like this:

echo $html->find('icon', 0)->innertext; // get me the first
Thanks this did the trick!
Gilles De Mey

Since <icon> is not a valid HTML tag, I presume you're working with XML or some other markup language. PHP has a pretty handy extension to deal with XML:


$xml = simplexml_load_string('<?xml version="1.0"?><icon displayid="62115">inv_helmet_130</icon>');
echo (string)$xml[0];


The exact code, of course, depends on your exact string. As suggested, an xpath search can do the trick.

Álvaro G. Vicario