Could you recommend any testing tool that is able to run on a phone (or at least emulatior) and simulate predefined (via scripting) sequence of operations (eq. "press" keys, "type" data etc) ?
Could you recommend any testing tool that is able to run on a phone (or at least emulatior) and simulate predefined (via scripting) sequence of operations (eq. "press" keys, "type" data etc) ?
The commercial tools available are pretty expensive. We rolled our own test bed in my previous job, and also in my current company - it's not that hard (and it helps if two of the guys who wrote the test bed in company A are the founders of company B!)
If you only care about the emulator, surely there are windows record/playback tools out there that can drive ANY application?
Orange just contributed a User Emulator Tool to Symbian. It works on S60 3rd and 5th edition as well as Symbian^1 onwards. You have to compile it yourself though, but it exists in the public repositories linked from the Wiki.