



Hello everybody.

I'm a student trying to dive into the world of "complex web-enabled applications" for Android. I had good tries making Android applications that call php functions, have JSON or XML responses and results, serialize objects and so on...

It really can work for simple projects, IMHO. For projects that require an increased complexity and control, I really would like to try something else.

Since Android apps are made in Java, I'm thinking it could be great if I could work with Java objects in Android and storing/retrieving Java objects in the server side too. Java Server Pages could be an answer, since I can embed Java code into HTML pages/HTTP services.

Is possible (and comfortable) to achieve this? Can I work with "local objects" in my Android app and with "remote objects" in my JSP app storing them, for example, in a remote database?

What could be an alternative?

I hope I've been clear. Thank you!