



I have a class to store unix-like permissions for user, group and other. In principle it is a limited access control list but I don't want to name it ACL, because usually an ACL is something different.

The class looks basically like this:

class X {
  boolean userRead, userWrite, userExecute;
  boolean groupRead, groupWrite, groupExecute;
  boolean otherRead, otherWrite, otherExecute;

How to name a class like this? What is the name in Unix?


It looks like it deals strictly with file permissions, so what about calling it FilePermissions?

James McLeod
It is not limited to files. A secured object could also be a row in a data base table. But maybe simply "Permissions" would be a good name.
+3  A: 

Often for such questions, the answer is in the question. I would call it Permissions with a comment above saying "Unix-like permissions for user, group, and other".

Michael Easter
UnixPermissions would be a better name, since permissions on Windows work differently (this is a java class, right?).
Ken Liu
Sure, 'UnixPermissions' might be fine, though that might lead to 'UnixLikePermissions' or a qualifying comment of why they are not _really_ Unix permissions, which are less clear to me.
Michael Easter

I'd go with class permission_bits { }, probably in a package unix.

Nikolai N Fetissov
That would be PermissionBits according to the usual Java conventions. Just to distinguish the identifier from a method name.
James P.

1) PermissionStatus
2) st_mode see
