Here's another option, this time using Dictionaries (add a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime, which also has several other hugely useful objects - don't start VBA coding without it!)
As written, the output isn't sorted - that could be a bit of a showstopper. Anyway, there are a couple of nice little tricks here:
Option Explicit
Public Sub OutputLists()
Dim list1, list2
Dim dict1 As Dictionary, dict2 As Dictionary
Dim ky
Dim cel As Range
Set dict1 = DictionaryFromArray(Array("a", "b", "c", "e"))
Set dict2 = DictionaryFromArray(Array("b", "e", "c", "d"))
Set cel = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")
For Each ky In dict1.Keys
PutRow cel, ky, True, dict2.Exists(ky)
If dict2.Exists(ky) Then
dict2.Remove ky
End If
Set cel = cel.Offset(1, 0)
For Each ky In dict2
PutRow cel, ky, False, True
Set cel = cel.Offset(1, 0)
End Sub
Private Sub PutRow(cel As Range, val As Variant, in1 As Boolean, in2 As Boolean)
Dim arr(1 To 2)
If in1 Then arr(1) = val
If in2 Then arr(2) = val
cel.Resize(1, 2) = arr
End Sub
Private Function DictionaryFromArray(arr) As Dictionary
Dim val
Set DictionaryFromArray = New Dictionary
For Each val In arr
DictionaryFromArray.Add val, Nothing
End Function