I'm trying to model this problem (for details on it, http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/personalhomes/bauke/LABS/index.php)
I've seen that the proven minimum for a sequence of 10 digits is 13. However, my application seems to be getting 12 quite frequently. This implies some kind of error in my program. Is there an obvious error in the way I've modeled those summations in this code?
def evaluate(self):
self.fitness = 10000000000 #horrible practice, I know..
h = 0
for g in range(1, len(self.chromosome) - 1):
c = self.evaluateHelper(g)
h += c**2
self.fitness = h
def evaluateHelper(self, g):
Helper for evaluate function. The c sub g function.
totalSum = 0
for i in range(len(self.chromosome) - g - 1):
product = self.chromosome[i] * self.chromosome[(i + g) % (len(self.chromosome))]
totalSum += product
return totalSum