




I am trying to make better sense of HTTP internals, and often "entities" and "messages" are mentioned in the specification, strangely enough without proper explanation though, believe it or not. From what I gathered, one identifies the content itself, even when split across a request / response chain and/or transfer encoding fragmentation rules, while the other identifies content of a single HTTP request - i.e. what follows the headers and ends with a CRLF. My problem is I cannot figure out which one is which exactly.

+1  A: 

A HTTP-message is either a request or a response:

  HTTP-message   = Request | Response     ; HTTP/1.1 messages

A HTTP-message has zero or more message-header⁠s and may have a message-body:

   generic-message = start-line
                     *(message-header CRLF)
                     [ message-body ]

So not every HTTP-message has a message-body. But if it has a message-body, then that’s also the entity-body:

  message-body = entity-body
               | <entity-body encoded as per Transfer-Encoding>

So in short: A message is the whole HTTP request or response. And the entity is the message’s body (if there is any) and its corresponding entity header fields.

Ok, but what is an entity-body in the above? Let us consider a POST request with content type specified as "multipart/form-data" that carries file data, and a couple of variable-value pairs. In the request, a message is the entire request, header and all, right? The body of the message is the binary blob that follows the headers, right? The thing is, I think entity body is something else... Anyways, as you can see, I am almost as confused as I was...
@amn: The entity is in the message. The entity is the sum of *entity-header* ⁠s and the *entity-body* (the *message-body*). Some of the *message-header* ⁠s describe the message and some describe the entity. *Date*, for example, is a *message-header* (it describes the message) and *Content-Type* is a *entity-header* (it describes the entity).
Yes, that explains it all, thanks! I figured that a message encodes and transfers an entity, while entity has a type - and so both are defined by different headers.