



Hi guys,

Beginner jquery question. I am using the Tokenizing Autocomplete Text Entry plugin, with the goal being to create a similar input as the SO Tags feild.

I got it pretty much working, but the issue that I am having is that when I edit my Story model (/stories/1/edit) the tags field appears blank (I guess the plugin makes a brand new text entry and hides the original text field that has my initial values)

My question is, how do I get this plugin (or sugest another plugin that can do it) to show the existing tags when editing.

Note: I am using Ruby on Rails


+1  A: 

From the link you provided:

Version 1.1 Released!

  • [..]
  • Can now prepopulate the list by settings settings.prePopulate with an array of {id: n, name: blah}
  • [..]
I saw that, but i thought that just prepopulated the entire set of values so it did not have to go to the server to get the set -- but indeed you are correct.
glad to hear that i could help