



So I'm trying to use Sprouts for AS3. I've installed Ruby and I've installed RubyGems, and I'm able to create a new project using "sprout -n as3 MyProject" - that builds fine.

However, when I enter into that folder and type "rake" it errors out with the message "Could not find RubyGem win32-open3 (= 0.2.5)"

I've googled around a little bit and the fix seems to be to uninstall and then reinstall that file - however, it's not there to uninstall and it errors out when I try to install it.

Now, here's the thing: I'm running Windows 7 in 64bit. Is that my problem? Does Sprouts require a 32-bit OS or something like that?

I am completely new to Ruby, and I have a very fast turnaround on this project. Does this problem make sense to anyone, and is there a relatively simple fix somewhere?