Hello all,
I have a question that has me stumped, maybe you can help. I have the following php:
if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){
//if so set up the xml
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$response = $dom->createElement('response');
$encore = $dom->createElement('encoreSongs');
$previousDate = "";
//if yes cycle through all results, checking their artist
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
//check if the current songs artist is in the artist array
$song_name = $row['name'];
$song_artist = $row['artist'];
$song_date = $row['date'];
$song_city = $row['city'];
$song_state = $row['state'];
$song_location = $song_city . ', ' . $song_state;
$song_id = $row['unique_song_id'];
$song_segue = $row['part_of_a_sugue'];
$song_info = $dom->createElement('song');
$idElement = $dom->createElement('song_id');
$idText = $dom->createTextNode($song_id);
$nameElement = $dom->createElement('song_name');
$nameText = $dom->createTextNode($song_name);
$artistElement = $dom->createElement('song_artist');
$artistText = $dom->createTextNode($song_artist);
$dateElement = $dom->createElement('song_date');
$dateText = $dom->createTextNode($song_date);
$locationElement = $dom->createElement('song_location');
$locationText = $dom->createTextNode($song_location);
$segueElement = $dom->createElement('song_segue');
$segueText = $dom->createTextNode($song_segue);
//if the song is part of an encore, save it for later
if($row['setOrEncore'] == 'encore'){
/*if the previous song was an encore from another show and this song is a set,
assume that the previous group of encores went with the previous show
and append the encores before this new song/show */
if($previousDate != $song_date){
echo "tagged at " . $row['name'];
//affix encore songs to 'response'
$encore_songs = $encore->getElementsByTagName('song');
foreach($encore_songs as $a){
//reset encore variable
$encore = $dom->createElement('encoreSongs');
//attach new song
$previousDate = $row['date'];
}//end while
My goal is to check if the current song if not an encore. If not I want to check and see if it has the same date as the previous song. If not, I want to add what I have in '$encore' to the response and reset '$encore'. My problem is that '$previousDate' (which is initialized to an empty string) is always the same as '$song_date'
can anyone see why?