



Are the OS (XP) environmental variables the same used in a process running from visual studio .NET C++?

It seems the command interpreter is not found:
When using NULL as the command, system() returns 0 and with command - ENOENT Command interpreter cannot be found.

In windows (System->Environmental Variables), COMSPEC contains the path to cmd.exe
PATH does not.

What should PATH be?

Other than this, not sure why it can not find the interpreter.

Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.

  if( system("tail -500 log.txt") == -1)
      //Error calling tail.exe on log 
      //errno is a system macro that expands int returning
      //the last error. strerror() converts the error to it's
      //corresponding error message. 
      printf("Error calling tail.exe with system(): %s",strerror( errno ));


Stepping into system() argv[0] = _tgetenv(_T("COMSPEC"));returns a bad pointer. Being this is a cgi executable, the COMPSEC is not properly set or inherited from the OS.
I now set COMSPEC before the process is started and use CreateProcess() as in example 2

However, create process still returning 0? Getting closer. See any issues with this? Thanks.

 if (! SetEnvironmentVariable("COMSPEC", "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe") )
    printf("SetEnvironmentVariable failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());         

 //r = system("dir c:\\");
 r = CreateProcess("dir.exe", NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, NULL, 
    NULL,     // inherit parent's environment 
    NULL, &si, &pi);

SetEnvironmentVariable() did not work. However, putenv does.
_putenv( "COMSPEC=C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe" ); // C4996
Not sure what the difference is...?
Now that this env var is set, any request on the cgi app from the browser gives the option to save the cgi.exe instead of executing it.. Not sure why this has changed based on this env var?

+1  A: 
ok thanks. It looks right?? C:\>echo %COMSPEC% C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe ? It is also set correctly in the advanced tab....
When it searches for COMSPEC in System() it is not found, even when just set before. I think this being a cgi application is throwing something off....
Example 2 here ( sets a value for the child process to inherit this way, which is why I did this. Even if it is temporary, shouldn't the child process inherit the parent env during its life? See lpEnvironment ( As far as setting the var permanently, if I go to my windows settings I see it's path to cmd.exe, is that permanent?
@Tommy - that is permanent in the windows settings...but to quote from MSDN 'Each process has an environment block associated with it.' so why the duplication anyway? Strange....and yes in theory, the child process should inherit the parent env, but the grandparent env would be the system wide setting...understand?
@Tommy: did the echo command work for you yes?
Yes I hear you. Still leaves me wondering why my app does not inherit the system env. The only thing I can think is because it is a cgi application and does not receive the normal env but the env from the browser, which is why I tried to add the COMPSEC
Yes, the echo of %COMSPEC% in the cmd prompt displays the path to cmd.exe
hmmm...can you show the code for the cgi app on pastebin if it's too big to be posted here?
Unfortunatel I can't as it is for work. however, it is a basic cgi app in c and as soon as it runs into putenv() for COMPSEC it asks if I want to save the cgi.exe I'm thinking it has to do with the web server (GoAhead) settings. Looking at it but not sure where this would be happening....
@Tommy: Ok...there may be a restriction on the CGI in the sense that environment variable access is limited...?! I will check out the website to see if there's anything I can glean on to help you crack this...
+1  A: 

Start + Control Panel, System, Advanced, Environment variables. Select Path in the System variables section, Edit. At the very least it should look like this:


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Hans Passant