I am not sure if this problem is a general Rails problem or Redmine specific.
There is a class User which has a class method try_to_login. I wrote a module containing a method_alias_chain to wrap that method and provide additional functionality. This works fine if I go into the console and call try_to_login. My wrapper will be executed and everything is fine. However, when I run this on the server just the vanilla method is called. The wrapper is never touched. I added a logger command to the vanilla method to be sure and it is in deed being called.
Here is a simplified version of the code:
require_dependency 'principal'
require_dependency 'user'
require 'login_attempt_count'
module UserLoginAttemptLimiterPatch
def self.included(base)
base.extend ClassMethods
base.class_eval do
class << self
alias_method_chain :try_to_login, :attempt_limit
module ClassMethods
def try_to_login_with_attempt_limit(login, password)
user = try_to_login_without_attempt_limit login, password
#stuff here gets called via console but not via browser
def authentication_failed(login)
#important code here
User.send(:include, UserLoginAttemptLimiterPatch)
In addition this module is required when the plugin is loaded.