Hello, please go to www.espacioasir.com first and notice how the second article has been 'crushed' to the left - half of the article's normal width.
Anyway, I don't think I can explain much more, my question is very clear: Why is this happening? I do want mention that the content of the article itself has nothing to do (or maybe just a bit), as I tried changing it, and the text did expand to the article's normal width; however, the bar on top (with the article's title "Espacio Asir" and the PDF, print & mail icons was still only at half-width).
I also tried changing the site back to Joomla's default theme, but this did not help. I guess it could be a Joomla 1.5 bug, but I really don't think such obvious error would be present in this version.
I'd really appreciate any help in advance, and if I did not explain myself clear enough, please let me know and I'll add the info needed and post some screens.