



My friend has an idea for a web application. The application is relatively straight-forward: no more difficult than a flash game (so I'm told) that exchanges minimal data with a server.

Only thing is, he is a beginner.

I don't know anything about developing Flash/Flex applications. Nevertheless, this is what I've recommended he do. In order:

(1) Learn how to do a good Flex UI.

(2) Find and learn a specific framework/stack to use eg Java + BlazeDS(?) + Eclipse etc.

(3) Learn basic principles of object oriented programming. Nothing too difficult, just the core concepts: encapsulation, interfaces, getter-setter methods. This should help out developing the server side code, and perhaps any client-server plumbing (excuse my ignorance!) and probably help as well with the client-side UI.

Does this sound like a reasonable strategy?

Does anyone have any recommendations as to how to go about this? E.g., does anyone know any good books, or web resources?