I'm a noob but I made my application work beautifully using python manage.py runserver
but when I brought it to Apache + mod_wsgi, I keep getting this error. The debug messages aren't much help. Here is a screenshot of the entire debug image: http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/6723/screenshotfb.png
Here is the dump of my http.conf file.
WWSGIDaemonProcess cloud-tester python-path=/home/ubuntu/.virtualenvs/pinax-env/lib/python2.6/site-packages
WSGIProcessGroup cloud-tester
WSGIScriptAlias /cloudrunner /home/ubuntu/projects/cloudfly/deploy/pinax.wsgi
<Directory /home/ubuntu/projects/cloudfly/deploy>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
The contents of pinax.wsgi is what comes with Pinax. I didn't change anything.
I created a sample "basic_project", and that works fine. This doesn't.
Thanks in advance! Any advice on what I should do?