




My project runs on J2ME and requires me to get the user current street address. I am able to get the user coordinates using location based. But how do i go about getting the street address??

I know google map does the reverse geocoding. But how can i link that to my application?? And will there be any legal issues too??

Any guidance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!


+1  A: 

There are legal issues with using Google Maps within J2ME apps. The Google Maps API can only be used from within a browser.

See 10.8 on this page:

Google Maps also has a limit on the number of unique maps you can download per ip address. Usually it would be good enough for any PC-based app. However, on mobile devices many devices will go via a proxy web service such that many devices have the same IP address. Because of that the limit is reached very quickly.

Yahoo Maps has no such restrictions in it's T&Cs and a much higher limit per ip address. They also flag certain ip address as proxy servers so they don't count towards the limits. We've used this commercially.

As for reverse GeoCoding, there is the GeoNames webservice, though I've not personally used it.

GeoNames url:
Hi Wex,Thanks for the reply.. as for your url, i have glance through it before. The problem is that, that web service doesnt provides the postal codes for me country. Btw i am from Singapore...As for your yahoo maps?? So yahoo also have something similar to google map too?? ie reverse geo coding..