For some reason while clicking around this gallery i'm creating, the dimensions that get assigned to the CSS don't always take when a new image gets loaded in the .product-image container. I think it's caused by assigning css attributes while an image is still loading, as it only seems to happen with larger images. Once ".more-views a" is clicked again, the correct dimentions are calculated.
function loadNewImage(newurl) {
jQuery(".col-main .product-image a").attr("href",newurl);
jQuery(".col-main .product-image img").attr("src", newurl);
jQuery(".col-main .product-image img").css({'width': '','height':''});
function resizeImageByAspect(ele) {
var maxWidth = 465;
var maxHeight = 436;
var ratio = 0;
var width = ele.width();
var height = ele.height();
ele.css("width", width);
ele.css("height", height);
if (width > maxWidth) {
ratio = maxWidth / width;
ele.css("width", maxWidth);
ele.css("height", height * ratio);
height = height * ratio;
width = width * ratio;
if (height > maxHeight) {
ratio = maxHeight / height;
ele.css("height", maxHeight);
ele.css("width", width * ratio);
width = width * ratio;
resizeImageByAspect(jQuery(".col-main .product-image img"));
jQuery(".more-views a").click(function(event){
jQuery(".col-main .product-image img").fadeOut("fast", function(){
resizeImageByAspect(jQuery(".col-main .product-image img"));
jQuery(".col-main .product-image img").fadeIn("fast");
return false;