+1  A: 

You need to report it to HTML::Parser bug tracker. Cpantesters results are only reports, in many cases automatic, so to gain attention of author you need to use bug tracker.

P.S. Upgrading is also a good idea (in case you have no problems of doing this) - Perl has changed much in 9 years from 5.6.1.

Alexandr Ciornii
+4  A: 

If you are comfortable with the other test results, and you don't expect to use HTML::Parser for pages which require extended character sets, then you can force an install.

From command-line:

 $ perl -MCPAN -e 'force install HTML::Parser'

From CPAN command line:

cpan> force install HTML::Parser

From your build directory (if you'd rather not use CPAN):

mv t/entities.t t/entities.tt
mv t/uentities.t t/uentities.tt
make install
The `mv`'s are unnecessary, because `make install` doesn't run or install tests.