



I have a view definition that (attempts to) outputs a model as a table. This is what I have so far:

def output_table(request):
    output = My_Model()
    return render_to_response('outputtable.html', {'output': output})

Here's the HTML for outputtable.html:

    {{ output.as_table }}

What am I doing wrong? It doesn't work. Now, it's passing the model correctly, because if I change My_Model() to My_Model.objects.all() and then output it as simply {{ output }} then it shows me what I would see in the Django shell.

+1  A: 

There is no method as_table on a model instance (MyModel())or on Querysets (MyModel.objects.all()). You may have seen as_table as the forms method as_table. You don't have a form there.

If you want to print a model instance/ a queryset as a table, you will have to design it yourself.


If you're just looking to output one specific model, change your template to something like


for all the fields you care about. If this is something you want to be able to do for any arbitrary model in your app, take a look at this snippet. That would provide you with a fields collection to loop over.


So what you need to do is the following:

1) add

from django.forms import ModelForm to your

2) add

class My_Model_Form(ModelForm):  
           class Meta:  
               model = My_Model 

3) in your, change output = My_Model() to output = My_Model_Form()

Now you are all set. So the trick is to inherit your Form from your original model.
