Header (100%)
Center margin auto
| | Desc |
|unknown | |
| size | 200px |
| | |
| Image fit | |
| | |
| A | |
| | |
| | |
Footer 100% height stick bottom
Basically, the site lay out is like MSNBC gallery. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35385037/ns/news-picture_stories/displaymode/1247/?beginSlide=1
but I having trouble to get the A part to resize arcording to the resize. i have the ImageFit plugin for jquery to automatic resize the image to fit on the "A" part. But the problem is if I set the footer to absolute (a must since it suppose to stay at the bottom al the time) My A part will be overflow and the Image inside did not resize.
Is there anyway to make the A fit on between header and footer, while keep the header and footer on screen?