



I have installed TFS2010 Beta 2 with default settings and configured a CI build with a solution containing the indivial projects.

My *.cspoj files could have:


Or alternatively:


When the build server is done building and running tests etc. all the assemblies are placed in the root of the build drop off folder.

How do I configure the build to keep the outputpath or outdir in my projects and store the assemblies and content in the matching folder structure( builddropfolder\bin\debug\ )?

I have found a number of post on this most of them relates to TFS 2008 but I have not found solutions for TFS 2010.

Perhaps it is possible to solve this in the new workflow file for the buildserver?


This is a known issue with TFS. I don't think it's specific to 2010, although I've heard that they were working on fixing it.

Take a look at this post:

It's boils down to a couple different ways to solve it, but essentially I think you'll need to tweak it in the TFS build script.

The Matt
None of the solutions you refer to is possible to use as there is no TFSBuild.proj file to tweak. This is now done in a workflow. But how do I tweak the workflow to get this behavior?

The following blogpost answered my question.

Many thanks to Jim Lamb for providing a solution.
