




We're making a system as a group, and I'm the lead programmer. And I don't want that one of my group members will be able to steal my code and brag to others that they're the one who made it. Is there any technique that I could employ so that the code will be disarrange or encrypted or anything so that I'm the only one who could read the codes or something like that.

+4  A: 

There was a similar question a few weeks back. The major trend in answers was, forget it. If you can trust your team that little, you need a new team.

Edit: Found it by searching Google for the accepted answer, which I remembered :)

its really bad that one of my team members are friends with my rival. And it sucks when he gets access to what I have done, and I don't have access to what he's up to.
@user225269 GROW UP, you sound like a baby! If it's a contest of who's the best then find another job maybe a wrestler
+15  A: 

If you want to prevent people from telling "others that they're the one who made it", then you could use a source control system. They attribute an author to each commit, so there's no ambiguity over who created which piece of code.

Philip Morton
+1 - Practical, sensible advice that deals with the problem, however misguided it may be...
Rob Cowell
+1 was going to suggest that
I was considering - cringingly - suggesting using something like Zend Guard (which of course it would be a terrible idea to use in this instance) but this answer was a good catch.
Iain Collins
+3  A: 

Use a distributed revision control system (like git), every commit is associated with a committer. And it's easier to work in a team anyway.

If you're the lead programmer, assign tasks to your other team members. Why should a programmer commit large amounts of code to module A, if he is supposed to work on module B?

And last but not least: If the lead programmer distrusts his own team this much, there should be a new team, a new lead programmer, or both!

+1  A: 

It really sounds like you need to change teams, but on a completely different note: How about going Open Source with your Project using something like Github?

That way, nobody could steal each other's credit because every commit is made by name. Plus, there is no stealing of code because it's public anyway.

Not always possible if you're an employee of a company - it'll be their choice whether to keep it proprietary or not.
Rob Cowell
@Rob I'm 100% sure the OP is not lead developer in a *company*. This sounds like a team of teenage programmers to me. I would be very surprised to learn otherwise.
Lol, probably right, but you never know.
Rob Cowell