I use COM quite extensively with PHP, using COM objects built in C++ from our library, with Apache as the web server, on Windows 2003. It has worked pretty well for about five years.
You can instantiate and use a COM object directly in PHP. Looking at the Ascom camera interface given here http://ascom-standards.org/Standards/Index.htm, I would expect it to work fine; something like this:
$camera = new COM('ManufacturerName.Camera'); // COM class name made up
$camera.NumX = 200;
$camera.NumY = 200;
$camera.BinX = 1;
// Set more properties... then, having set $duration and $light:
$camera.StartExposure( $duration, $light );
// etc
ie you can use properties and methods just how you would expect. The actual COM class name will be in the docs of your instrument. You may find it in any example code the manufacturer has given you.
If you are using it in a web process, be aware that you will have to re-instantiate the COM objects each time you service an HTTP request, and reconnect to the instrument.
Have a go - you will probably be pleasantly surprised by how straightforward it is.