I would like to have a Java application which can be easily started.
So far I have managed to create a jar file but I do not see any advantages yet. Before I run my application by "java HelloWorldSwing" and now I use "java -jar HelloWorldSwing.jar" (which is even more complicated than the previous command and, as far as I understood, the usage of a jar file requires presence of *.mf file in the same directory).
I would like to have one of the two following situations:
1. Just one single file which can be copied to another operation system and that the project can be started just by click on this file in a file browser (at the moment if click on my jar file Ubuntu starts to extract archive (because jar is an archive, I know)).
2. Create a pictogram which can be put on a desktop and clicking on which initiates my Java program.
Can anybody, pleas, help me with that?