What is the difference between these? Where can I find useful links to implement atom reader in java?
http://www.bing.com/search?q=atom+spec and http://www.bing.com/search?q=rss+2.0+spec first link at both locations.
No Refunds No Returns
2010-02-18 14:11:03
@No Refunds No Returns ok, where do I find website that uses atom so I can use it as an example for my Java file to test it if its working?
Gandalf StormCrow
2010-02-18 14:18:15
The problem with the RSS 2.0 spec is that it doesn't tell you much about all the different versions of RSS 0.9x and RSS 1.0 (all of which have huge differences — e.g. 1.0 is the only one expressed in RDF)
David Dorward
2010-02-18 14:18:21
@Shoban ok, where do I find website that uses atom so I can use it as an example for my Java file to test it if its working?
Gandalf StormCrow
2010-02-18 14:17:14
@Gandalf http://codex.wordpress.org/index.php?title\x3dSpecial:RecentChanges\x26feed\x3datom this is one. This is from wordpress website.
2010-02-18 14:29:35
@splix ok, where do I find website that uses atom so I can use it as an example for my Java file to test it if its working?
Gandalf StormCrow
2010-02-18 14:17:39
I think all blogspot.com blogs have Atom feeds.http://methodsignature.blogspot.com/ for example
2010-02-18 15:38:22